Temp Entity Lists (Source)
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This article lists tempents from a few of the major Source modifications. The output is from sm_print_telist, except sorted.
[hide]Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
46 tempents.
[00] PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) [01] RadioIcon (CTERadioIcon) [02] Bomb Plant (CTEPlantBomb) [03] Shotgun Shot (CTEFireBullets) [04] FoundryHelpers (CTEFoundryHelpers) [05] Dust (CTEDust) [06] GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) [07] Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) [08] Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) [09] BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) [10] BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) [11] BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) [12] BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) [13] BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) [14] BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) [15] BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) [16] BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) [17] Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) [18] Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) [19] breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) [20] BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) [21] Bubbles (CTEBubbles) [22] Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) [23] Client Projectile (CTEClientProjectile) [24] Entity Decal (CTEDecal) [25] Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) [26] EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) [27] Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) [28] Explosion (CTEExplosion) [29] Fizz (CTEFizz) [30] Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) [31] Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) [32] GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) [33] Impact (CTEImpact) [34] KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) [35] Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) [36] MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) [37] physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp) [38] Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) [39] Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) [40] Show Line (CTEShowLine) [41] Smoke (CTESmoke) [42] Sparks (CTESparks) [43] Sprite (CTESprite) [44] Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) [45] World Decal (CTEWorldDecal)
Counter-Strike: Source
44 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bomb Plant (CTEPlantBomb) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) RadioIcon (CTERadioIcon) Shotgun Shot (CTEFireBullets) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
Day of Defeat
42 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) FireBullets (CTEFireBullets) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
42 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) FireBullets (CTEFireBullets) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
43 tempents.
AntlionDust (CTEAntlionDust) Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) ConcussiveExplosion (CTEConcussiveExplosion) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Shotgun Shot (CTEHL2MPFireBullets) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
42 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) FireBullets (CTEFireBullets) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II
43 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) MeleeImpact (CTEMeleeImpact) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Shotgun Shot (CTEPVK2FireBullets) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
The Ship
42 tempents.
Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEShipMuzzleEffect) MuzzleFlash (CTEShipMuzzleEffect) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) ShipMateAnimEvent (CTEShipMateAnimEvent) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
43 tempents.
AntlionDust (CTEAntlionDust) Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) Bubbles (CTEBubbles) ConcussiveExplosion (CTEConcussiveExplosion) Dust (CTEDust) Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) Entity Decal (CTEDecal) Explosion (CTEExplosion) Fizz (CTEFizz) Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) Impact (CTEImpact) KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) Shotgun Shot (CTEHL2MPFireBullets) Show Line (CTEShowLine) Smoke (CTESmoke) Sparks (CTESparks) Sprite (CTESprite) Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp)
Team Fortress 2
[00] Dust (CTEDust) [01] Armor Ricochet (CTEArmorRicochet) [02] Metal Sparks (CTEMetalSparks) [03] BeamEntPoint (CTEBeamEntPoint) [04] BeamEnts (CTEBeamEnts) [05] BeamFollow (CTEBeamFollow) [06] BeamLaser (CTEBeamLaser) [07] BeamPoints (CTEBeamPoints) [08] BeamRing (CTEBeamRing) [09] BeamRingPoint (CTEBeamRingPoint) [10] BeamSpline (CTEBeamSpline) [11] Blood Sprite (CTEBloodSprite) [12] Blood Stream (CTEBloodStream) [13] breakmodel (CTEBreakModel) [14] BSP Decal (CTEBSPDecal) [15] Bubbles (CTEBubbles) [16] Bubble Trail (CTEBubbleTrail) [17] Client Projectile (CTEClientProjectile) [18] Entity Decal (CTEDecal) [19] Dynamic Light (CTEDynamicLight) [20] EffectDispatch (CTEEffectDispatch) [21] Energy Splash (CTEEnergySplash) [22] Explosion (CTEExplosion) [23] Fizz (CTEFizz) [24] Footprint Decal (CTEFootprintDecal) [25] GaussExplosion (CTEGaussExplosion) [26] Surface Shatter (CTEShatterSurface) [27] GlowSprite (CTEGlowSprite) [28] Impact (CTEImpact) [29] KillPlayerAttachments (CTEKillPlayerAttachments) [30] Large Funnel (CTELargeFunnel) [31] MuzzleFlash (CTEMuzzleFlash) [32] physicsprop (CTEPhysicsProp) [33] Player Decal (CTEPlayerDecal) [34] Projected Decal (CTEProjectedDecal) [35] Show Line (CTEShowLine) [36] Smoke (CTESmoke) [37] Sparks (CTESparks) [38] Sprite (CTESprite) [39] Sprite Spray (CTESpriteSpray) [40] World Decal (CTEWorldDecal) [41] TFBlood (CTETFBlood) [42] TFParticleEffect (CTETFParticleEffect) [43] TFExplosion (CTETFExplosion) [44] Fire Bullets (CTEFireBullets) [45] PlayerAnimEvent (CTEPlayerAnimEvent)