Sourcemod 1.5.0 API Changes
These are just the API changes from SourceMod 1.4.7 to SourceMod 1.5.0. Click here for the full SourceMod 1.5.0 Release Notes.
The BaseComm base plugin now has a new set of global forwards to notify other plugins of its actions.
/** * Called when a client is muted or unmuted * * @param client Client index * @param muteState True if client was muted, false otherwise */ forward BaseComm_OnClientMute(client, bool:muteState);
/** * Called when a client is gagged or ungagged * * @param client Client index * @param gagState True if client was gaged, false otherwise */ forward BaseComm_OnClientGag(client, bool:gagState);
GetClientAuthString by default now is only successful if the client has fully authenticated (if the new ValidateAuthentication feature is enabled in core.cfg).
There is a new bool param, validate, which can be sent as false to bypass this and get a potentially unvalidated auth string.
A new GetSteamAccountID native also has this param with the same purpose. A Steam account ID is the lower 32 bits of the full 64-bit Steam ID (referred to as community id by some) and is unique per account.
/** * Returns the client's Steam account ID. * * @param client Client Index. * @param validate Check backend validation status. * DO NOT PASS FALSE UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCES, * You WILL KNOW if you need to use this, MOST WILL NOT. * @return Steam account ID or 0 if not available. * @error If the client is not connected or the index is invalid. */ native GetSteamAccountID(client, bool:validate=true);
You can also now return the maximum number of non-bots that a game will allow to join, which can be lower than MaxClients.
These limits can be put into place in games starting with Left 4 Dead. L4D 1 and 2 use it to limit connecting clients to 4 (coop) or 8 (versus) depending on game mode, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's new "gametypes" config system will set it based on the current mode's configured MaxPlayers amount.
/** * Returns the maximum number of human players allowed on the server. This is * a game-specific function used on newer games to limit the number of humans * that can join a game and can be lower than MaxClients. It is the number often * reflected in the server browser or when viewing the output of the status command. * On unsupported games or modes without overrides, it will return the same value * as MaxClients. * * You should not globally cache the value to GetMaxHumanPlayers() because it can change across * game modes. You may still cache it locally. * * @return Maximum number of humans allowed. */ native GetMaxHumanPlayers();
New global forwards have been added to specifically catch player chat without having to manually add a command listener for each possible chat command in a given game.
OnClientSayCommand can be used to block chat from occurring, and OnClientSayCommand_Post will only be fired if the chat was allowed, not blocked in the first forward or due to flooding.
/** * Global listener for the chat commands. * * @param client Client index. * @param command Command name. * @param sArgs Chat argument string. * * @return An Action value. Returning Plugin_Handled bypasses the game function call. Returning Plugin_Stop bypasses the post hook as well as the game function. */ forward Action:OnClientSayCommand(client, const String:command[], const String:sArgs[]);
/** * Global post listener for the chat commands. * * @param client Client index. * @param command Command name. * @param sArgs Chat argument string. * */ forward OnClientSayCommand_Post(client, const String:command[], const String:sArgs[]);
In addition to being updated to have existing functionality work on CS:GO, many new natives have been added to the CStrike extension.
/** * Gets a team's score * @param team Team index to get score for. * @return Returns the internal team score. * * @error Invalid team index. */ native CS_GetTeamScore(team);
/** * Sets a team's score * @param team Team index to set score for. * @param value Value to set teams score as. * @noreturn * * @error Invalid team index. * @note This will update the scoreboard only after the scoreboard update function is called. Use SetTeamScore plus this to update the scoreboard instantly and save values correctly. */ native CS_SetTeamScore(team, value);
/** * Gets a client's mvp count * @param client Client index to get mvp count of. * @return Returns the client's internal MVP count. * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_GetMVPCount(client);
/** * Sets a client's mvp count * @param client Client index to set mvp count for. * @param value Value to set client's mvp count as. * @noreturn * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_SetMVPCount(client, value);
/** * Gets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) * @param client Client index to get score of. * @return Returns the client's score. * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_GetClientContributionScore(client);
/** * Sets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) * @param client Client index to set score for. * @param value Value to set client's score as. * @noreturn * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_SetClientContributionScore(client, value);
/** * Gets a client's assists (CS:GO only) * @param client Client index to get assists of. * @return Returns the client's assists. * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_GetClientAssists(client);
/** * Sets a client's assists (CS:GO only) * @param client Client index to set assists for. * @param value Value to set client's assists as. * @noreturn * * @error Invalid client. */ native CS_SetClientAssists(client, value);
CS Weapon IDs defined in are now SM-specific and may no longer match the value used internally by the game's own functions and variables, but will continue to work with the CStrike extensions natives and forwards across both CS:S and CS:GO.
/** * Gets a weaponID from a alias * @param alias Weapon alias to attempt to get an id for. * @return Returns a weapon id or 0 if failed to find a match. * * @note For best results use CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias on the weapon name before passing it. */ native CSWeaponID:CS_AliasToWeaponID(const String:alias[]);
/** * Gets a alias from a weaponID * @param weaponID WeaponID to get alias for. * @param destination Destination string to hold the weapon alias. * @param len Length of the destination array. * @return Returns number of cells written. */ native CS_WeaponIDToAlias(CSWeaponID:weaponID, String:destination[], len);
/** * Returns weather a WeaponID is valid on the current mod (css or csgo) * @param weaponID WeaponID to check * @return Returns true if its a valid WeaponID false otherwise. * * @note This will return false always for CSWeapon_NONE */ native bool:CS_IsValidWeaponID(CSWeaponID:id);
It is now possible to easily get the address of an entity for use with SourceMod's advanced StoreToAddress and LoadFromAddress natives.
/** * Gets the memory address of an entity. * * @param entity Entity index. * @return Address of the entity. * @error Invalid entity. */ native Address:GetEntityAddress(entity);
GuessSDKVersion is now deprecated. Engine version chronology is no longer constant for many variants due to similar branches receiving updates at different times or older variants receiving features that newer ones lack. This breaks an API guarantee of the native.
It has been replaced with the new, typed GetEngineVersion, which uses the new EngineVersion enum constants in
/** * Gets the engine version that the currently-loaded SM core was compiled against. * * The engine version values are not guaranteed to be in any particular order, * and should only be compared by (in)equality. * * @return An EngineVersion value. */ native EngineVersion:GetEngineVersion();
Support and many new natives for protobuf usermessages has been added. These are used in newer games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2 in place of bitbuf messages.
For more info, see the Protobuf article.
With it already in use on numerous servers, the SDKHooks extension has been added as officially supported.
For those not already familiar with the api, see the file.
GetPlayerResourceEntity has been added as a game-agnostic replacement for TF2_GetResourceEntity
The resource entity typically contains multiple player-indexed arrays to network shared player data from the server to the client. Its data is typically updated internally each frame, making it much easier to read than effectively write. It's commonly used for scoreboard data amount other things. You can find a list of all of the data on it in a game by generating a dump of the game's networked properties (see Entity_Properties#SourceMod_Commands).
/* * Returns the entity index of the player resource/manager entity. * * @return Index of resource entity or -1 if not found. */ native GetPlayerResourceEntity();
The OnPlayerRunCmd forward has been overloaded with much more information from the internal usercmd becoming available to plugins, including weapon subtype, command number, client tick count, random seed, and mouse coords.
To check at runtime to confirm that the new parameters are filled in (which they will be if the server is running SourceMod 1.5.0 final or later), you can use the GetFeatureStatus or RequireFeature natives with a feature name of FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS.
/** * @brief Called when a clients movement buttons are being processed * * @param client Index of the client. * @param buttons Copyback buffer containing the current commands (as bitflags - see * @param impulse Copyback buffer containing the current impulse command. * @param vel Players desired velocity. * @param angles Players desired view angles. * @param weapon Entity index of the new weapon if player switches weapon, 0 otherwise. * @param subtype Weapon subtype when selected from a menu. * @param cmdnum Command number. Increments from the first command sent. * @param tickcount Tick count. A client's prediction based on the server's GetGameTickCount value. * @param seed Random seed. Used to determine weapon recoil, spread, and other predicted elements. * @param mouse Mouse direction (x, y). * @return Plugin_Handled to block the commands from being processed, Plugin_Continue otherwise. * * @note To see if all 11 params are avaliable, use FeatureType_Capability and * FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS. */ forward Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon, &subtype, &cmdnum, &tickcount, &seed, mouse[2]);
TF2_AddCondition now allows you to specify an inflictor entity for conditions that support it.
/** * Adds a condition to a player * * @param client Player's index. * @param condition Integer identifier of condition to apply. * @param duration Duration of condition (does not apply to all conditions). * @param inflictor Condition inflictor's index (0 for no inflictor). * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support. */ native TF2_AddCondition(client, TFCond:condition, Float:duration, inflictor=0);
A new forward, TF2_OnPlayerTeleport has been added for when the game checks to see if the given player is allowed to use the given teleporter.
/** * Called when a player attempts to use a teleporter to decide if the player should be allowed to teleport. * Return Plugin_Continue to let the original calculation or return a higher * action to override the decision with the value of 'result' * * @param client Client index. * @param teleporter Teleporter entity index. * @param result Buffer param for the result of the decision. * This is prepopulated with the game's original decision to let a player teleport. * @return Plugin_Continue for original calculation, higher value to use 'result'. */ forward Action:TF2_OnPlayerTeleport(client, teleporter, &bool:result);
TF2_IsPlayerInCondition now returns a correct answer for conditions greater than 64.
TF2_GetResourceEntity is now deprecated. Usages of it can be replaced by the new, game-agnostic GetPlayerResourceEntity in SDKTools.
TF2_GetPlayerResourceData and TF2_SetPlayerResourceData are now deprecated in favor of using GetPlayerResourceEntity and the GetEntProp* or SetEntProp* natives.
The GetUserMessageType native has been added to detect at runtime which usermessage system that the current game uses.
/** * UserMsg message serialization formats */ enum UserMessageType { UM_BitBuf = 0, UM_Protobuf, };
/** * Returns usermessage serialization type used for the current engine * * @return The supported usermessage type. */ native UserMessageType:GetUserMessageType();
The following new functions were added.
/** * @brief Gets a Classname from an edict_t pointer. * * @param pEdict edict_t pointer. * @return Pointer to the string, or NULL if bad pointer. */ virtual const char *GetEntityClassname(edict_t *pEdict) =0;
/** * @brief Gets a Classname from an CBaseEntity pointer. * * @param pEntity CBaseEntity pointer. * @return Pointer to the string, or NULL if bad pointer. */ virtual const char *GetEntityClassname(CBaseEntity *pEntity) =0;
/** * @brief Returns whether or not a map name is valid to use with the * engine's Changelevel functionality. It need not be an exact filename on * some engines. For a check on the exact name, use IVEngineServer::IsMapValid. * * @param map Map name. * @return True if valid, otherwise false. */ virtual bool IsMapValid(const char *map) =0;
IPlayerHelpers::GetAuthString and the new IPlayerHelpers::GetSetamAccountID both have a new bool param added for whether or not to allow values not yet validated by the Steam backend to be returned on applicable games.
/** * @brief Returns the player's authentication string. * * @param validated Check backend validation status. * @return String containing the player's auth string. * May be NULL if unavailable. */ virtual const char *GetAuthString(bool validated = true) =0;
/** * @brief Returns the client's Steam account ID. * * @param validated Check backend validation status. * * @return Steam account ID or 0 if not available. */ virtual unsigned int GetSteamAccountID(bool validated = true) =0;
The following new functions were added.
/** * @brief Sets the number of threads to run per frame. * Default value is 1 thread per frame. * * @param threads Number of threads to run per frame. */ virtual void SetMaxThreadsPerFrame(unsigned int threads) =0;
/** * @brief For threaded workers, the think time of a frame. * Has no effect for non-threaded workers. * Default value is 50ms. * * @param thinktime Number of ms to sleep between frame execution. */ virtual void SetThinkTimePerFrame(unsigned int thinktime) =0;
The following new function was added.
/** * @brief Retrieves info about a given language number. * * @param number Language number. * @param code Pointer to store the language code. * @param name Pointer to store language name. * @return True if language number is valid, false otherwise. */ virtual bool GetLanguageInfo(unsigned int number, const char **code, const char **name) =0;
IUserMessages has been reworked to add support newer games that use Google Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for usermessages.
IUserMessageListener has been trimmed and is now just a base class for the new IBitBufUserMessageListener and IProtobufUserMessageListener
StartMessage has been removed and replaced with both StartBitBufMessage and StartProtobufMessage.
Additionally, a new GetUserMessageType has been added to return which one of the two usermessage systems that the running game supports.
See IUserMessages.h for more details.
SDKHooks now has a public interface for other extensions to add themselves as a listener to be notified about entity creation and deletion.
See ISDKHooks.h for more details.
Support for POSTing files has been added with the new AddFile function.
/** * @brief Adds a file to the form. * * All data is copied locally and may go out of scope. * * @param name Field name (null terminated). * @param path Local file path (null terminated). * @return True on success, false on failure. */ virtual bool AddFile(const char *name, const char *path) = 0;