Difference between revisions of "Empires Events"

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(Created page with ":''Refer back to Game Events (Source) for more events.'' === switching_to_new_map === {{qnotice|}}<br> {{begin-hl2msg|switching_to_new_map|string}} {{hl2msg|string|mapnam...")
(Included the game events from Empires)
Line 75: Line 75:
=== structure_built ===
=== commander_elected_player ===
{{qnotice|structure fully built. fired client-side. commander only. same team.}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|structure entity index}}
=== structure_power_outage ===
{{qnotice|structure out of power. fired client-side. commander only. same team.}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|structure entity index}}
=== resource_start_capture ===
{{qnotice|Used to show the capture hud panel}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|user id that is starting the capture}}
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|resource point getting capped}}
{{hl2msg|short|type|type of resource point}}
{{hl2msg|short|capteam|team that is capping}}
{{hl2msg|short|ownerteam|team that currently owns the point (check for unassigned)}}
=== resource_end_capture ===
{{qnotice|Used to hide the capture hud panel}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|user id that is starting the capture}}
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|resource point that got captured}}
=== resource_break_capture ===
=== resource_extract ===
{{qnotice|Resource point has extracted some resources}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|resource point that extracted the resources}}
{{hl2msg|short|amount|resource point that extracted the resources}}
=== resource_captured ===
{{qnotice|When a resource point gets fully captured by a team}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|entity index of the captrd point}}
{{hl2msg|short|type|the resource point type that got captured}}
{{hl2msg|short|team|team that captured the point}}
=== power_requested ===
{{qnotice|An entity is requesting a power connection}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|teamid|The team who's power system got updated}}
{{hl2msg|short|entid|The entity index that is requesting a power connection}}
=== power_removed ===
{{qnotice|An entity is requesting a power connection}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|teamid|The team who's power system got updated}}
{{hl2msg|short|entid|The entity index that is requesting a power connection}}
=== power_updated ===
{{qnotice|When the power nexus gets updated}}<br>
=== enter_pregame ===
=== enter_vehicle ===
=== exit_vehicle ===
=== show_freezepanel ===
{{hl2msg|short|killer|entindex of the killer entity}}
=== hide_freezepanel ===
=== freezecam_started ===
=== spawn_map_changed ===
{{qnotice|Called when a tgate is built, removed, or power state changes}}<br>
=== overviewmap_key_released ===
=== slot_key_pressed ===
=== ironsight_key_pressed ===
=== ability_key_pressed ===
=== weapon_reload ===
{{hl2msg|bool|manual|player manually started the reload}}
=== weapon_fire_at_40 ===
{{hl2msg|short|elected_nf_comm_id|player id of the elected NF commander}}
{{hl2msg|string|weapon|used weapon name}}
{{hl2msg|short|elected_be_comm_id|player id of the elected BE commander}}
{{hl2msg|short|weaponid|used weapon ID}}
{{hl2msg|short|count|number of bullets}}
=== entity_visible ===
=== commander_vote ===
{{qnotice|called when a player casts a vote for a player to be the commander}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The player who sees the entity}}
{{hl2msg|long|subject|Entindex of the entity they see}}
{{hl2msg|bool|team|the team of the player casting the vote}}
{{hl2msg|string|classname|Classname of the entity they see}}
{{hl2msg|short|voter_id|the id of the player casting the vote}}
{{hl2msg|string|entityname|name of the entity they see}}
{{hl2msg|short|player_id|the id of the player who is being voted for}}
=== player_left_bunker_building ===
=== research_completed ===
{{qnotice|called when a research is completed}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The player who left the bunker}}
{{hl2msg|short|entidx|The bunker they left}}
{{hl2msg|short|team|the team number of the completed research}}
{{hl2msg|short|research_index|the index of the researched item}}
=== player_entered_bunker_building ===
=== player_class ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The player who entered the bunker}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of the player}}
{{hl2msg|short|entidx|The bunker they entered}}
{{hl2msg|local|class|class of the player}}
=== player_entered_commander_mode ===
=== player_score ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player who entered commander mode}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of the player}}
{{hl2msg|local|amount|score of the player}}
=== player_enter_commander_mode_failed ===
=== player_revive ===
{{qnotice|called when a player is revived}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player who tried to enter commander mode}}
{{hl2msg|local|reviver_userid|used id of the player that is doing the reviving}}
{{hl2msg|local|revivee_userid|used id of the player that is being revived}}
=== player_left_commander_mode ===
=== vehicle_purchase ===
{{qnotice|called when a player purchases a vehicle}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player who left commander mode}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of the player who purchased the vehicle}}
{{hl2msg|local|recustomized|whether the purchased vehicle is new or being recustomized}}
{{hl2msg|local|cost|cost of the vehicle purchased}}
{{hl2msg|local|chassis|type of chassis of the vehicle being purchased}}
{{hl2msg|local|builtfromwages|is the vehicle built from wages}}
=== player_restocked_from_supply_struct ===
=== vehicle_enter ===
{{qnotice|called when a player enters a vehicle}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player who was restocked}}
{{hl2msg|short|entidx|Entity they got supply from}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of the player who entered the vehicle}}
{{hl2msg|local|vehicleid|id of the vehicle being entered}}
{{hl2msg|local|seat|seat of the vehicle that is being entered}}
=== player_opened_armoury_menu ===
=== vehicle_exit ===
{{qnotice|called when a player exits a vehicle}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player opened kit menu from armoury}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of the player who exited the vehicle}}
{{hl2msg|local|vehicleid|id of the vehicle being exited}}
=== commander_move_2d ===
=== vehicle_death ===
{{qnotice|called when a vehicles dies}}<br>
{{hl2msg|1|local|Local only}}
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player that moved the commander camera}}
{{hl2msg|local|vehicleid|id of the vehicle destroyed}}
{{hl2msg|local|lastplayeruserid|user id of the last player driving the vehicle}}
=== commander_move_z ===
=== achievement_earned ===
{{qnotice|called when an achievement is earned}}<br>
{{hl2msg|1|local|Local only}}
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player that moved the commander camera up/down}}
{{hl2msg|byte|player|entity index of the player getting the achievement}}
{{hl2msg|short|achievement|id of the achievement}}
=== commander_minimap_move ===
=== empires_round_over ===
{{qnotice|called when a round ends}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player that moved the commander camera}}
{{hl2msg|local|winner|id of the winning team}}
=== player_exited_tgate ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|Player that left the gate}}
=== commander_left_valid_area ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The commander that left valid "airspace"}}
=== commander_entered_valid_area ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The commander that entered valid "airspace"}}
=== round_win ===
{{hl2msg|short|team|The winning team}}
{{hl2msg|short|type|Type of win}}
=== transport_gate_created ===
{{hl2msg|short|teamid|Team that created the gate}}
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|Entity id of the new gate}}
=== last_tgate_destroyed ===
{{hl2msg|short|teamid|Team who's last tgate got pwnd}}
=== player_stats_updated ===
=== failed_to_build ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|the commander that tried to build something with no power}}
{{hl2msg|short|reason|(eBuildErrorReason) 0: Ok, 1: No Power, 2: No Line of sight, 3: obstruction, 4: invalid build area}}
=== commander_hint_closed ===
{{qnotice|The local commander closed a hint (used to re-evaluate tiered hints)}}<br>
=== commander_selected_structure ===
{{qnotice|The local commander selected a structure}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|type|structure type}}
{{hl2msg|short|entindex|Entity id of the selected structure}}
=== commander_flash_assembler_start ===
{{qnotice|Causes the assembler to flash}}<br>
=== commander_flash_assembler_stop ===
{{qnotice|Causes the assembler to stop flashing}}<br>
=== commander_start_build_mode ===
{{qnotice|Local commander is in structure placement mode}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|type|structure type}}
=== commander_flash_supply_icon_start ===
{{qnotice|Start flashing the supply station build icon}}<br>
=== commander_flash_supply_icon_stop ===
{{qnotice|Stop flashing the supply station build icon}}<br>
=== commander_start_structure_build ===
{{qnotice|Start a structure building}}<br>
{{hl2msg|short|team|The team that is building the structure}}
{{hl2msg|short|type|The structure type}}
=== promoted_to_commander ===
{{hl2msg|short|userid|The user that got promoted to commander}}
{{hl2msg|short|teamid|The team of the promoted commander}}
=== timeleft_10m ===
{{qnotice|10 minutes left of the round}}<br>
=== timeleft_5m ===
{{qnotice|5 minutes left of the round}}<br>
=== timeleft_1m ===
{{qnotice|1 minute left of the round}}<br>
=== timeleft_30s ===
{{qnotice|30 seconds left of the round}}<br>
=== timeleft_10s ===
{{qnotice|10 seconds left of the round}}<br>
=== timeleft_5s ===
{{qnotice|5 seconds left of the round}}<br>
=== ach_hospital_duty_progress ===
{{qnotice|progress towards hospital duty achievement. fired client-side. commander only. same team.}}<br>
=== ach_high_maintenance_progress ===
{{qnotice|progress towards high maintenance achievement. fired client-side. commander only. same team.}}<br>
=== forward_spawn_created ===
{{qnotice|Fired once a forward spawn has been created. A forward spawn is defined by any created spawn point that causes the spawn cluster centroid to be split}}<br>
=== research_complete ===
{{qnotice|Fired when a research has finished researching}}<br>
=== show_annotation ===
{{hl2msg|string|text|name (unlocalized)}}
{{hl2msg|long|visibilityBitfield|bitfield of the players that can see this}}
{{hl2msg|long|follow_entindex|if this is set, follow this entity}}
=== hide_annotation ===
=== end_training_session ===
=== nav_blocked ===
=== nav_generate ===
=== spec_target_updated ===
=== medkit_heal ===
=== update_marker_hud ===
{{hl2msg|local|entindex|entity index of medkit}}
{{hl2msg|local|ownerid|user id of medkit owner}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of player healed}}
{{hl2msg|local|amount|amount of health restored}}
=== emp_structure ===
=== local_player_entered_comm ===
{{hl2msg|local|entindex|entity index of structure}}
{{hl2msg|local|userid|user id of player}}
=== setup_compass_rotation ===
=== local_player_exited_comm ===
=== tgate_use ===
=== local_player_entered_vehicle ===
=== attacked_radarkit ===
=== local_player_exited_vehicle ===

Latest revision as of 15:24, 27 July 2016

Refer back to Game Events (Source) for more events.



Name: switching_to_new_map
string mapname name of the map to switch


Note: Called when a point is capture

Name: point_captured
bool team the team that captured the point
short location the location of the point


Note: Called when a point becomes neutral

Name: point_neutral
bool team the team that neutralized the point
short location the location of the point


Note: Called when a player dies

Name: player_death
short userid user ID of the player who died
short attacker user ID of the player who killed
byte hide team to hide the kill message from
string weapon name of the weapon used to kill the player


Note: Called when the game ends

Name: game_end
bool team team who won
short entity the entity players spectate at the end of the round



Name: voice_command
bool team which team the message is for
short command what message to play
byte sub sub identifier for some messages



Name: commander_alert
bool team which team the message is for
short command what message to play
float coord_x x coordinate
float coord_y y coordinate
float coord_z z coordinate


Note: called when the commander vote begins

Name: commander_vote_time
short time time left in the vote
bool commander_exists allows us to use this even for warmup time on commander-less maps


Note: called when the tactics time for a commander begins

Name: commander_tactic_time
short time the tactic time left
short panel which tactics panel is currently being viewed


Note: called when an elected commander wishes to end the tactic time

Name: commander_end_tactical_discussion
short team which team would like to end tactics time



Name: commander_elected_player
short elected_nf_comm_id player id of the elected NF commander
short elected_be_comm_id player id of the elected BE commander


Note: called when a player casts a vote for a player to be the commander

Name: commander_vote
bool team the team of the player casting the vote
short voter_id the id of the player casting the vote
short player_id the id of the player who is being voted for


Note: called when a research is completed

Name: research_completed
short team the team number of the completed research
short research_index the index of the researched item



Name: player_class
local userid user id of the player
local class class of the player



Name: player_score
local userid user id of the player
local amount score of the player
local reason


Note: called when a player is revived

Name: player_revive
local reviver_userid used id of the player that is doing the reviving
local revivee_userid used id of the player that is being revived


Note: called when a player purchases a vehicle

Name: vehicle_purchase
local userid user id of the player who purchased the vehicle
local recustomized whether the purchased vehicle is new or being recustomized
local cost cost of the vehicle purchased
local chassis type of chassis of the vehicle being purchased
local builtfromwages is the vehicle built from wages


Note: called when a player enters a vehicle

Name: vehicle_enter
local userid user id of the player who entered the vehicle
local vehicleid id of the vehicle being entered
local seat seat of the vehicle that is being entered


Note: called when a player exits a vehicle

Name: vehicle_enter
local userid user id of the player who exited the vehicle
local vehicleid id of the vehicle being exited


Note: called when a vehicles dies

Name: vehicle_death
local vehicleid id of the vehicle destroyed
local lastplayeruserid user id of the last player driving the vehicle
local lastexittime


Note: called when an achievement is earned

Name: achievement_earned
byte player entity index of the player getting the achievement
short achievement id of the achievement


Note: called when a round ends

Name: empires_round_over
local winner id of the winning team



Name: spec_target_updated



Name: update_marker_hud



Name: local_player_entered_comm



Name: local_player_exited_comm



Name: local_player_entered_vehicle



Name: local_player_exited_vehicle