Difference between revisions of "SQL Admins (SourceMod)"

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(Frequently Asked Questions)
m (Management Commands)
Line 97: Line 97:
| sm_sql_addgroup
| sm_sql_addgroup
| <nowiki><name> <flags> [immunity]</nowiki>
| <nowiki><name> <flags> [immunity]</nowiki>
| Adds a new group with the specified flags and immunity/
| Adds a new group with the specified flags and immunity
|- class="t2td"
|- class="t2td"
| sm_sql_delgroup
| sm_sql_delgroup
Line 108: Line 108:
<tt>sm_sql_setadmingroups steam "STEAM_0:1:16" "Full Admins"</tt>
<tt>sm_sql_setadmingroups steam "STEAM_0:1:16" "Full Admins"</tt>
=Frequently Asked Questions=
=Frequently Asked Questions=

Revision as of 06:45, 14 August 2007

SourceMod has support for loading and managing admins via SQL, using any of the supported SQL drivers provided (currently, MySQL and SQLite). This can be very advantageous if you have a large number of admins, you wish to manage your admins via external tools, or you wish to share admins across servers.

This article will explain how to set up your server to use admins through SQL. No knowledge of SQL is required for basic administration; however, by using this feature you should realize that SourceMod does not provide easy functionality for full SQL control. You will need to use a third party tool or learn SQL yourself if you need greater functionality.

However, it is assumed that you:

  • Have access to an SQL database;
  • Know how to access the SQL database;
  • Know how to execute commands or scripts on the SQL database.

Database Setup


If you have not already created a database on your MySQL server, do so.

Find the script configs/sql-init-scripts/admins-mysql.sql in the SourceMod distribution. Then, using either the command line or a tool such as phpMyAdmin, run its contents. This will create the necessary tables.

Next, open configs/databases.cfg on your server. You should see a section called "default". You can either use this section, or create a new one called "admins" if you wish to separate your connections. You must fill out the driver, host, database, user, and pass fields. If you do not need a field, use empty quotation marks as the value ("").


		"driver"			"mysql"
		"host"				"localhost"
		"database"			"sourcemod"
		"user"				"myaccount"
		"pass"				"mypassword"


SourceMod distributes a pre-made SQLite database file with all of the admin tables created. If you with to manually create a database or add tables to a pre-existing database, use the contents of the configs/sql-init-scripts/admins-sqlite.sql script.

Copy the configs/sql-init-scripts/admins-sqlite.sq3 binary from the SourceMod distribution into your server's data/sqlite folder. Then, add a section to your server's configs/databases.cfg file as follows:

		"driver"			"sqlite"
		"database"			"admins-sqlite"

You may choose to rename the database file, or to use the file as your default database instead.

Enabling Plugins

By default, all of the SQL plugins are located in the plugins/disabled folder on your server -- they are not loaded by default. To enable plugins, move them from the plugins/disabled folder and into plugins.

You will usually want to enable sql-admin-manager.smx. This plugin adds some helpful console commands for very basic admin management. However, you should only enable ONE of the other two SQL plugins:

  1. admin-sql-prefetch.smx: This plugin is ideal for small to medium sized databases without much connection lag. It loads the entire database admin contents at map load (or whenever a refresh is requested). If you have serious database delay or want to be able to add/delete/edit admins without refreshing the per-map cache on each server, this isn't the plugin for you.
    • PROS: Very simple plugin with no extra complexity.
    • *CONS: Gameserver will stall whenever the cache is refreshed (mapload or when using sm_reloadadmins). If you add, remove, or edit admins, the changes are not reflected until the cache is refreshed.
  2. admin-sql-threaded.smx: This plugin is completely threaded. This makes it much more complex, and thus it is currently "experimental" (although it has been tested to work fine). It pre-caches all group and override information. Admin-lookup is done completely dynamically.
    • PROS: A faulty/slow database connection will never halt the server. If you add/remove/edit admins, the changes will be reflected as soon as the player connects to the server.
    • CONS: It is very complex and thus not trivial to edit for custom changes. It also may have unexpected functionality (for example, sm_reloadadmins will have a slight delayed reaction because the plugin is multi-threaded).

Once you have enabled the manager, and enabled ONE of the admin-sql plugins, you are ready to go!

Management Commands

As a convenience, SourceMod provides a few basic SQL admin management commands via the sql-admin-manager.smx plugin. All of the commands require the root admin flag.

The following conventions are used:

  • When <authtype> is requested, it means one of the following three values: steam, ip, or name.
  • When <identity> is requested, it should be the unique string to be paired with the authtype. For example, a steam identity would be a Steam ID. An ip identity would be an IP address, and a name identity would be a Half-Life 2 player name.
  • When [immunity] is requested, it means one of the following three values: none, default, or global.

Note: if a string has spaces, it must be in quotes!

Note: A colon is a break character and Steam IDs must be in quotes!

Command Format Description
sm_sql_addadmin <alias> <authtype> <identity> <flags> [password] Adds a new entry to the sm_admins table. The alias can be any value and is usually used to assign a readable name to an IP/SteamID.
sm_sql_deladmin <authtype> <identity> Removes an admin.
sm_sql_addgroup <name> <flags> [immunity] Adds a new group with the specified flags and immunity
sm_sql_delgroup <name> Removes the specified group. Quotation marks are optional if the name has odd characters.
sm_sql_setadmingroups <authtype> <identity> [group1] ... [group N] Sets an admin's group list. The inheritance order is the order the groups are specified in. This sets, and does not add; thus specifying no groups removes the user from all groups. Example:

sm_sql_setadmingroups steam "STEAM_0:1:16" "Full Admins"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use admin-sql and admin-flatfile at the same time? A: Yes. The data will be merged together in SourceMod's cache.

Q: Can I use both the threaded and prefetch SQL plugins at the same time? A: No.

Q: Can duplicate groups/admins be in the flat files and the SQL database? A: Yup. They will be merged safely.


This section documents the required portions of the admin table schema. You do not need to read or learn this unless you plan to use SQL directly.

The exact schemas for each driver are located in configs/sql-init-scripts. The purpose of this document is to explain the fields rather than list the exact structures.


This table is used to store administrators. Although the primary key is id, applications should enforce that authtype and identity have no combined duplicates.

Primary key: id (auto increments).

Field Type Purpose
id integer Unique integer identifying the row.
authtype string NOT NULL

Constrained to 'steam', 'name', or 'ip'

Authentication type the identity is against.
identity string NOT NULL Steam ID, name, or IP address.
password string Password, if any, the admin must use.
flags string NOT NULL Permission flag string.
name string NOT NULL Alias used for external tools (all but ignored in SourceMod).


This table is used to store all groups entries. Although the primary key is id, applications should enforce that the name field stays unique.

Primary key: id (auto increments).

Field Type Purpose
id integer Unique integer identifying the row.
immunity string NOT NULL

Constrained to 'none', 'global', or 'default'

Immunity level the group gets.
flags string NOT NULL Permissions flag string.
name string NOT NULL Unique name of the group.


This table is used to map admins to the groups they will inherit.

Primary key: admin_id, group_id

Field Type Purpose
admin_id integer Reference to the sm_admins.id field. Specifies the admin inheriting the group.
group_id integer Reference to the sm_groups.id field. Specifies the group the admin is inheriting.
inherit_order integer NOT NULL Order of inheritance for the given admin. Lower means earlier inheritance.


This table is used to map which groups are immune from other groups.

Primary key: group_id, other_id

Field Type Purpose
group_id integer Reference to the sm_groups.id field. Specifies the group gaining immunity.
other_id integer Reference to the sm_groups.id field. Specifies who group_id is becoming immune from.


This table is used to specify group-based command overrides.

Primary key: group_id, type, name

Field Type Purpose
group_id integer Reference to the sm_groups.id field. Specifies the group the override is for.
type string NOT NULL

Constrained to 'command' or 'group'.

Specifies whether the override is a command or a command group.
name string NOT NULL Command name.
access string NOT NULL

Constrained to 'allow' or 'deny'.

Whether the command is allowed or denied to this group.


This table is used to specify global command overrides.

Primary key: type, name

Field Type Purpose
type string NOT NULL

Constrained to 'command' or 'group'.

Specifies whether the override is a command or a command group.
name string NOT NULL Command name.
flags string NOT NULL Permissions flag string.