Left 4 Voting
Left 4 Dead has a new VGUI voting system, it's controlled by a bunch of events. You can use either a string from the resource file, or L4D_TargetID_Player which will let you create any vote you want.
How voting works
Server begins by sending a vote_started event, followed by a vote_changed event. Clients use the "Vote" command to register their votes, after which the server sends a vote_cast_yes or vote_case_no event, along with a vote_changed event.
When the vote is complete, the server sends vote_ended, followed by either vote_passed or vote_failed.
Example voting plugin
This is a basic plugin that starts a vote, "Is gaben fat?". It does not ensure the same client does not vote multiple times, nor does it actually kick the user.
#include <sourcemod> new yesvotes; new novotes; #define MAX_VOTES 4 public OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("testvote",Callvote_Handler); RegConsoleCmd("Vote",vote); } public Action:Callvote_Handler(client, args) { new Handle:msg = CreateEvent("vote_started"); SetEventString(msg,"issue","#L4D_TargetID_Player"); SetEventString(msg,"param1","Is gaben fat?"); SetEventInt(msg,"team",0); SetEventInt(msg,"initiator",0); FireEvent(msg); yesvotes = 0; novotes = 0; UpdateVotes(); return Plugin_Handled; } public UpdateVotes() { new Handle:msg = CreateEvent("vote_changed"); SetEventInt(msg,"yesVotes",yesvotes); SetEventInt(msg,"noVotes",novotes); SetEventInt(msg,"potentialVotes",MAX_VOTES); FireEvent(msg); if (yesvotes+novotes == MAX_VOTES) { PrintToServer("voting complete!"); msg = CreateEvent("vote_ended"); FireEvent(msg); if (yesvotes > novotes) { msg = CreateEvent("vote_passed"); SetEventString(msg,"details","#L4D_TargetID_Player"); SetEventString(msg,"param1","Gaben is fat"); SetEventInt(msg,"team",0); FireEvent(msg); } else { msg = CreateEvent("vote_failed"); SetEventInt(msg,"team",0); FireEvent(msg); } } } public Action:vote(client, args) { new String:arg[8]; GetCmdArg(1,arg,8); PrintToServer("Got vote %s from %i",arg,client); if (strcmp(arg,"Yes",true) == 0) { yesvotes++; } else if (strcmp(arg,"No",true) == 0) { novotes++; } UpdateVotes(); return Plugin_Continue; }
See the following images for examples what this looks like: