Talk:Stats File Formats (AMX Mod X)

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Revision as of 22:01, 28 September 2006 by ChorizoOmelet (talk | contribs) (WinCSX CSSTATS.DAT "RANK" Calculation Formula?)
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I am looking for the calculation used by WinCSX.exe to establish its "rank" order for each entry in the csstats.dat file.

My csstats.dat file was damaged recently, forcing me to restore an older file. Even though only a few days worth of stats changes were lost, data loss is data loss... This got me thinking about the entire stats process and what I could do to better protect this data the next time the server crashes in a way which leaves the csstats file damaged.

To that end, and based on the code presented in this artical, I wrote a validation program. I noticed the default record ordering in the physical file is not the same as the "rank" ordering displayed by WinCSX.exe. This makes sense as I imagine the overhead to constantly (physically) reorder the csstats.dat file is not worth it to the server. If I was the server I would only ever physically reorder the file on startup, but I digress... So, there must be some calculated value which represents the "rank" value.

I hope I am doing this discussion thing correctly, as I do not intend for this post to be part of the article. The results of this discussion should be added to the article however.