Admin Commands (SourceMod)
This page lists all of the major admin commands in SourceMod.
Chat Triggers: Remember that commands do not have to be entered through the console; they can be entered via chat triggers. For example, saying "!ban bail" in chat will execute the same command as "sm_ban" and forward the output to chat. You can also use "/" instead of "!" to suppress your command from being shown to users.
Targetting Players: There are a number of ways to target players:
- name - The player will be targeted by a partial name match (multiple matches will report back an error).
- #userid - If userid is numeric, the player will be targeted by their userid (found via the "users" command).
- #name - If name is non-numeric, the player will be targeted by an exact name match.
Basic Commands
These commands are found in the "basecommands" plugin.
Command Format Access Description sm_admin admin Displays the admin menu. sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason] kick Kicks a player. sm_map <map> map Changes the current map. sm_rcon <argstring> rcon Executes the argument string via rcon. sm_cvar <cvar> [value] cvar Retrieves or changes a cvar value. Protected cvars can only be accessed with rcon access, and sv_cheats can only be accessed with cheat access. sm_execcfg <filename> config Executes a config file (path not needed, but extension is). sm_reloadadmins config Refreshes the Admin cache from admin.cfg (Unknown if admin_simple.ini is refreshed, anyone confirm?) sm_who [#userid|name] admin Lists all users and their access rights, or a specific user's access rights. sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] ban Bans a client. sm_unban <steamid> unban Unbans a Steam ID. sm_addban rcon Adds a Steam ID to Source's ban list. sm_banip #userid|name> [reason] rcon for ip, ban for player Adds an IP address to Source's ban list.