Achievement IDs

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Achievement Identification Numbers

VALVe uses CTFPlayer::AwardAchievement(CTFPlayer* pPlayer, int iAchievementID) in order to award a player an achievement. Each achievement has a specific ID number. The list below is an incomplete list of ID numbers. There are few that haven't been tested. But most of them have.

Format: <Achievement Name>: <ID Number>

Head of the Class: 139

World Traveler: 140 (Not Tested) Team Doctor: 1400 Flame Thrower: 144 Grey Matter: 145 Quadruple Bypass: 1403 Group Health: 1404 Surgical Prep: 1405 Trauma Queen: 1406 Double Blind Trial: 1407 Play Doctor: 1408 Triage: 1409 Preventative Medicine: 1410 Consultation: 1411 Does it hurt when I do this: 1412 Peer Review: 1413 Big Pharma: 1414 You'll feel a little prick: 1415 Blunt Trauma: 1416 Medical Breakthrough: 1417 Blast Assist: 1418 Midwife Crisis: 1419 Vbi Concordia: 1420 Grand Rounds: 1421 Infernal Medicine: 1422 Doctor Assisted Homicide: 1423 Placebo Effect: 1424 Sawbones: 1425 Intern: 1426 Specialist: 1427 Chief of Staff: 1428 Hypocritical Oath: 1429 Medical Intervention: 1430 2nd Opinion: 1431 Autopsy Report: 1432 FYI I am a spy: 1433 Family Practice: 1434 House Call: 1435 Bedside Manner: 1436 Milestone 1: 1437(NOT TESTED) Milestone 2: 1438(NOT TESTED) Milestone 3: 1439(NOT TESTED) Combined Fire: 1601 Weenie Roast: 1602 Baptism By Fire: 1601 Fire and Forget: 1602 Firewall: 1603 Cooking the books: 1604 Spontaneous Combustion: 1605 Trail Blazer: 1606 Camp fire: 1607 Lumber Jack: 1608 Clear Cutter: 1609 Hot on your heels: 1610 I fry: 1611 Firewatch: 1612 Burn Ward: 1613 Hot Potato: 1614 Makin' Bacon: 1615 Plan B: 1616 Pyrotechnics: 1617 Arsonist: 1618 Controlled burn: 1619 Firefighter: 1622 Pyromancer: 1623 Next of Kindling: 1624 OMGWTFBBQ: 1625 Second Degree Burn: 1626 Got a Light: 1627 BarbeQueue: 1628 Hot Shot: 1629 Dance Dance Immolation: 1630 Dead Heat: 1631 Pilot Light: 1632 Freezer Burn: 1633 Fire Chief: 1634 Attention Getter: 1635 Milestone 1: 1636 (NOT TESTED) Milestone 2: 1637 (NOT TESTED) Milestone 3: 1638 (NOT TESTED)