CBaseMonster (CS)

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W = Windows | L = Linux

Name W. Offset L. Offset L. Diff Type Description
m_Activity 73 78 +5 Activity What the monster/player is doing (animation). ( See animation.h )
m_IdealActivity 74 79 +5 Activity Monster/player should switch to this activity ( See animation.h )
m_LastHitGroup 75 80 +5 int The last body region that took damage.
m_bitsDamageType 76 81 +5 int What types of damage has monster (player) taken.
m_rgbTimeBasedDamage 77 82 +5 BYTE[CDMG_TIMEBASED]
#define	itbd_Paralyze		0 
#define	itbd_NerveGas		1 
#define	itbd_Poison		2
#define	itbd_Radiation		3 
#define	itbd_DrownRecover	4
#define	itbd_Acid		5
#define	itbd_SlowBurn		6
#define	itbd_SlowFreeze		7 
? 78 83 +5 ? m_rgbTimeBasedDamage is made with 8 BYTES, so it take the same place as 2 int.
m_MonsterState 79 84 +5 MONSTERSTATE Monster's current state.
m_IdealMonsterState 80 85 +5 MONSTERSTATE Monster should change to this state.
m_afConditions 81 86 +5 int None.
m_afMemory 82 87 +5 int None.
m_flNextAttack 83 88 +5 float Cannot attack again until this time.
m_hEnemy 84 89 +5 EHANDLE The entity that the monster is fighting.
? 85 92 +5 ? None.
m_hTargetEnt 86 91 +5 EHANDLE The entity that the monster is trying to reach.
? 87 92 +5 ? None.
m_flFieldOfView 88 93 +5 float Width of monster's field of view. ( dot product )
m_bloodColor 89 94 +5 int Color of blood particles.
m_HackedGunPos 90 95 +5 Vector Hack until we can query end of gun.
? 91 96 +5 ? None.
? 92 97 +5 ? None.
m_vecEnemyLKP 93 98 +5 Vector Last known position of enemy. (enemy's origin)
? 94 99 +5 ? None.
? 95 100 +5 ? None.