Compiling libprotobuf

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Examples for compiling a 32-bit libprotobuf and other protobuf libraries using the protobuf-2.5.0 source.

For Dota 2, replace version 2.5.0 with 2.6.1.


The following was tested on Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013. Not all projects built after conversion, but only libprotobuf and dependencies were necessary.

  • Download from
  • Extract and navigate to protobuf-2.5.0/vsprojects/
  • Open protobuf.sln in the version of Visual Studio corresponding with the VC abi version that you wish to compile for.
  • Walk through project conversion steps if necessary.
  • Right-click the libprotobuf project and choose properties.
  • In Configuration Properties > C/C++ -> Code Generation, set Runtime Library to /MT for Release or /MTd for Debug.
  • If building the Debug configuration, also add _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 in Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Defintions
  • Right-click the libprotobuf project and choose Build.

libprotobuf.lib will be in Release/ or Debug/, depending on build configuration.

Linux (32-bit host)

The following was tested on Debian 6 (Lenny) 32-bit.

tar -xvzf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
cd protobuf-2.5.0

For a debug build, replace ./configure with:

./configure CXXFLAGS="-g3 -ggdb3"

This will also override protobuf's default CXXFLAGS of -DNDEBUG

The library will be in src/.libs/

Linux (64-bit host)

This hasn't been tested, but should work on most or all 64-bit distributions.

tar -xvzf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
cd protobuf-2.5.0
./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu CFLAGS="-m32 -DNDEBUG" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -DNDEBUG" LDFLAGS=-m32

For a debug build, replace ./configure with:

./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu CFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -g3 -ggdb3" LDFLAGS=-m32

This will also override protobuf's default CXXFLAGS of -DNDEBUG

The library will be in src/.libs/


The following was tested on OS X 10.7 (Lion) and ensures that the outputted binaries are 32-bit.

tar -xvzf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
cd protobuf-2.5.0
./configure --build=x86-apple-darwin ABI=standard CFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -DNDEBUG" LDFLAGS=-m32

For a debug build, replace ./configure with:

./configure --build=x86-apple-darwin ABI=standard CFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -g3 -ggdb3" LDFLAGS=-m32

This will also override protobuf's default CXXFLAGS of -DNDEBUG

The library will be in src/.libs/