Configuring AMX Mod X

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Revision as of 16:49, 15 January 2006 by BAILOPAN (talk | contribs) (added modules)
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See the section on Adding Admins for more information.



Often, plugins will have their own directions if they need special installation requirements. However, this will instruct you on the basics of adding a plugin.

  1. Follow any directions the plugin author has given you. If the plugin requires extra steps or special files, make sure you have them in the proper place and order.
  2. If you are given a .sma source file instead of a .amxx, you must compile the plugin yourself. For more information, see Compiling Plugins (AMX Mod X).
  3. Place the plugin's .amxx file in the addons/amxmodx/plugins folder.
  4. Add the plugin's name to addons\configs\plugins.ini. Example:
  5. Restart the server or change maps. If the plugin has any load errors, see Troubleshooting AMX Mod X#Plugins.


  1. Remove the entry from addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini by deleting it or prepending a semi-colon to comment it out.
  2. Delete any associated files.

Default Plugins

Plugin Purpose
admin.amxx Administration Base
admin_sql.amxx Administration Base for SQL. Use only one base.
admincmd.amxx Basic administration commands (such as kick/slap).
adminhelp.amxx Help for admin commands.
adminslots.amxx Slot reservation.
multilingual.amxx Multi-Lingual client configuration.
menufront.amxx Front-end for admin menus.
cmdmenu.amxx Command menu for settings.
plmenu.amxx Player menu commands (kick, ban, etc).
telemenu.amxx Teleport Menu (fun module required).
mapsmenu.amxx Maps menu (vote, changeleve, etc).
adminchat.amxx Console-based chat commands.
antiflood.amxx Prevents clients from flooding the say chat.
scrollmsg.amxx Displays a scrolling message.
imessage.amxx Displays a centered, timed information message.
adminvote.amxx Voting commands.
nextmap.amxx Displays next map in the mapcycle.
mapchooser.amxx Allows players to vote for the next map.
timeleft.amxx Displays time left on the current map.
pausecfg.amxx Allows pausing/unpausing of plugins.
statscfg.amxx Configuration of statistical plugins.


Modules add additional functionality for plugins to use.


  1. Figure out what operating system your server is: Windows, Linux, or Linux using AMD64 (64bit).
  2. If the module is 3rd party, download the module corresponding to your OS. It will end in .dll for Windows, for Linux, or for AMD64.
  3. Place the file in addons/amxmodx/modules/ and follow any additional instructions.
  4. Add the module's name to addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini. AMX Mod X supports generic notation, for example:
    ... will automatically detect the correct module to use.
  5. To see if the module is working, you can type amxx modules in your server console.


  1. Remove the entry from addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini by deleting it or prepending a semi-colon to comment it out.
  2. Delete any associated files if you don't need them.

Default Modules

Module Purpose
fun_amxx General functions for changing game values.
engine_amxx More advanced functions for getting and setting values in the HL engine.
fakemeta_amxx Expert/advanced functions for manipulating, hooking, and calling functions in the HL engine.
*sql_amxx SQL/Database scripting functions.
geoip_amxx Functions for finding countries by IP address.
array_amxx Functions for somewhat-dynamic arrays.
sockets_amxx Functions for socket (TCP/UDP) control and manipulation.
regex_amxx Functions for regular expression support.



Make sure you have mysql_amxx enabled in AMX Mod X's amxmodx/configs/modules.ini file.

Then, open amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg and edit the cvars accordingly:

CVAR Default Setting Purpose
amx_sql_host "" IP address of SQL server.
amx_sql_user "root" Username to connect to the SQL server.
amx_sql_pass "" Password to connect to the SQL server.
amx_sql_db "amx" Database to use on the SQL server.
amx_sql_table "admins" The table to use for the admin_sql plugin.



Client Commands


