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Provides a variety of next map choosing features. Intended to be used in place of all other map choosing plugins such as Deagles' Map Manager and AMXX's own mapchooser.

None of the features are enabled by default. As such, it acts much like AMXX's mapchooser. The power comes when you enable some of the features of MCP.

Map Nominations

Allows players to nominate maps for inclusion in the next map vote.

Not all nominations are guaranteed to be used. If there are more nominations than are allowed in the vote, a random selection of the nominations will be used. See the mcp_nom_qtyused CVAR description for more detail.

If a player disconnects, any nominations they had made will be cancelled.


mcp_nom_playerallowance <iNominationCnt>

Specifies how many nominations each player can make. A value of 0 will disable this feature.

The default is 2 nominations.

mcp_nom_mapfile <cFile>

Specifies the file to use which holds the names of the maps that players can nominate.

There is no default value.

If left blank, which it is by default, addons/amxmodx/configs/mcp/nominatable.ini will be used. Otherwise, you must specify a fully qualified filename starting from your game mod folder (i.e. "cstrike", "dod", "czero", etc).

Example Values:

  • mapcycle.txt
  • ../../common_configs/mcp/nominatable.ini

mcp_nom_qtyused <iNominationCnt>

Specifies how many of the nominations made will be used in the next map vote. A value of 0 means all the nominated maps will be used.

The default is 0 (all nominations).

mcp_banrecent <iMapCount>

Specifies the number of recently played maps to disallow from being nominated.

The default is 3 maps.

Console Commands


Lists all the nominatable maps as defined in the nominatable map file. See the mcp_nom_mapfile CVAR description for more detail.

mcp_createmapfile [cFlags|cFilename]

Creates a map file listing all the maps located in the maps folder of the server.

There are various parameters that can be used with this command.

  • If the command is used without any additional parameters, it will create a file named "allmaps.ini" in your game mod folder (i.e. "cstrike", "dod", "czero", etc).
  • If a filename is specified, it will attempt to create that file. It must be a full qualified filename starting from your game mod folder. See the mcp_nom_mapfile CVAR for examples of what you can enter as a filename.
  • If "n", "v", or "nv" is specified, the files created will be based on the CVARs for nominatable maps and/or votefill maps, as applicable. See the mcp_nom_mapfile CVAR to determine the name of the file that will be created when using the "n" flag. See the mcp_votefill_mapfile CVAR to determine the name of the file that will be created when using the "v" flag.

Say Commands


Lists all the nominations already made.

nominate <map>

Nominates the specified map.

cancel <map>

Cancels the player's previous nomination of the specified map.


Toggles between nominating and cancelling the specified map.

Rock the Vote

Allows players to rock the vote, thus registering their desire to force a vote for the next map.


mcp_rtv_start <fMinutes>

Specifies the number of minutes after a map starts, that players may begin to rock the vote.

The default is 10 minutes.

mcp_rtv_players <fPercentage>

Indicates the percentage of players that need to rock the vote before a vote will be forced to occur.

The default is 0.60 (60%).

mcp_rtv_commands <iFlags>

Specifies which say commands can be used to rock the vote. A value of 0 will disable this feature.

The flags are additive.
1: standard "rockthevote" command
2: shorthand "rtv" command
4: dynamic "rockthe<anything>vote" command

The default is 1.

The dynamic "rockthe<anything>vote" command allows a player to type any one word (i.e. no spaces) that starts with "rockthe" and ends with "vote". Some examples might be: "rockthedamnvote", "rockthesillylittlevote", or "rockthefreakingvote". The total length of the word can not be longer than 31 characters. That leaves 20 characters for creativeness once you factor in the lengths of "rockthe" and "vote".

Say Commands


Registers the player's desire for an early map vote.


Alias for "rockthevote". This is the shorthand command.


Alias for "rockthevote". This is the dynamic command. See the mcp_rtv_commands CVAR description for more detail.

Runoff Voting

Allows a secondary vote of the two highest vote getting maps if a single map doesn't win the first vote by more than 50% of the total votes.

The runoff vote will utilize the applicable mcp_vote_* CVARs, with the exception of mcp_vote_duration, which is overridden by mcp_runoff_duration.

Runoff voting can only occur if there are more than two maps with votes in the first vote.


mcp_runoff_enabled <0|1>

Specifies whether to allow runoff voting or not.

0: Disable
1: Enable

The default is 0.

mcp_runoff_duration <iSeconds>

Specifies the number of seconds the runoff vote should last.

The default is 10 seconds.

Vote Filler Groups

Allows you to prioritize different groups of maps to use in filling a vote. It allows you to say, "pick up to X maps from this group first, then pick up to Y maps from this other group". You can have a maximum of 8 groups.


mcp_vote_mapfile <cFile>

Specifies the file to use which either holds the names of the maps that players can nominate or is used in the map group feature to indicate how many maps to use from each group as determined by the mcp_vote_mapfiletype CVAR.

There is no default value.

If left blank, which it is by default, addons/amxmodx/configs/mcp/votefill.ini will be used. Otherwise, you must specify a fully qualified filename starting from your game mod folder (i.e. "cstrike", "dod", "czero", etc).

Example Values:

  • mapcycle.txt
  • ../../common_configs/mcp/votefill.ini

mcp_vote_mapfiletype <1|2>

Specifies the type of file mcp_vote_mapfile is being used as.

1: map listing
2: map group listing

The default is 1.

When the value is 1, the file specified by mcp_vote_mapfile is a listing of maps. Each map should be listed, one per line. Just like is done in mapcycle.txt.

Here is a short example:


When the value is 2, the file specified by mcp_vote_mapfile is formatted differently. Instead of listing maps, you would list the count of maps to pick from each map group, one count per line. You can have a maximum of 8 counts listed.

Here is an example of 3 counts listed:


The counts should not total more than the number of maps you allow in the vote. In the case of this example, the counts add up to 8, which happens to be the maximum number of maps that can be allowed in a vote.

Since I've listed three different counts, I'll need 3 different files to keep my map listings in.

The files must be named and located as such:


Each of those files, 1.ini, 2.ini, and 3.ini, should contain a listing of maps.

MCP will first load any nominated maps into the vote. It will then grab up to 3 maps from 1.ini, up to 3 from 2.ini, and up to 2 from 3.ini.

Vote Status Display

Ban Recent Maps from Vote

Allows you to disallow recent maps from being voted on.


mcp_banrecent <iMapCount>

Specifies how many of the most recent maps are disallowed from a map vote. A value of 0 will disable this feature.

The default is 3.

mcp_banrecentstyle <iStyle>

Indicates the style in which the recent maps are displayed.

iStyle Description
1 all maps on one line
2 each map on a separate line

The default is 1.

Weighted Admin Votes

Allows admins to have a weighted (counted as more than 1) vote.


mcp_vote_weight <iVoteWeight>

Specifies how many votes a single admin vote should count as. A value of 0 or 1 will disable this feature.

The default is 2.

mcp_vote_weight_flags <cAdminFlags>

Specifies the standard access flags needed to have weighted votes.

The default is "y" (the ADMIN_ADMIN flag).