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Revision as of 15:10, 19 January 2006 by Mrmagu (talk | contribs) (highlight test)
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is a nub :] and wants someone to add the damn syntax highlighter extention already :)

C++ Highlighted test..

#ifndef SIGSCAN_H
#define SIGSCAN_H
// test
class CSigScan {
	/* Private Variables */
	/* Base Address of the server module in memory */
	static unsigned char *base_addr;
	/* The length to the module's ending address */
	static size_t base_len;
	/* The signature to scan for */
	unsigned char *sig_str;
	/* A mask to ignore certain bytes in the signature such as addresses
	   The mask should be as long as all the bytes in the signature string
	   Use '?' to ignore a byte and 'x' to check it
	   Example"xxx????xx" - The first 3 bytes are checked, then the next 4 are
	   ignored, then the last 2 are checked */
	char *sig_mask;
	/* The length of sig_str and sig_mask (not including a terminating null for sig_mask) */
	size_t sig_len;
	/* Private Functions */
	void* FindSignature(void);
	/* Public Variables */
	/* sigscan_dllfunc is a pointer of something that resides inside the gamedll so we can get
	   the base address of it. From a SourceMM plugin, just set this to ismm->serverFactory(0)
	   in Load(). From a Valve Server Plugin, you must set this to an actual factory returned
	   from gameServerFactory and hope that a SourceMM plugin did not override it. */
	static void *(*sigscan_dllfunc)(const char *pName, int *pReturnCode);
	/* If the scan was successful or not */
	char is_set;
	/* Starting address of the found function */
	void *sig_addr;
	/* Public Functions */
	CSigScan(void)sig_str(NULL), sig_mask(NULL), sig_len(0), sig_addr(NULL) {}
	static bool GetDllMemInfo(void);
	void Init(unsigned char *sig, char *mask, size_t len);
void InitSigs(void);
/* Sig Functions */
class CBaseAnimating;
void CBaseAnimating_Ignite(CBaseAnimating *cba, float flFlameLifetime);