Current events

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Metamod:Source 1.4.1 Released

2007-05-16 A new version of Metamod:Source was released.

Metamod:Source 1.4.1 has been released as a bug-fix patch to the 1.4 branch. Fixes include the 'meta' client command working with the latest Source beta, VSP interface hooking working with the Steam dedicated server, and the user message API working with Kreedz Climbing. No plugin modifications are necessary. No SourceHook changes were made in this release.

Metamod:Source 1.4 Released

2007-04-05 A new version of Metamod:Source was released.

Metamod:Source 1.4 has been released. It contains new features for developers and server administrators, including VSP interface hooking, crash-safe user message enumeration, and a gameinfo.txt update tool. No plugin modifications are necessary, neither is recompiling unless you wish to use the new API features. No SourceHook changes were made in this release.