FakeMeta Functions Detailed Descriptions
[hide]- 1 Point Functions
- 2 Messaging Functions
- 3 Entity Search Functions
- 4 Trace Functions
- 5 Model/Decal/Texture Functions
- 6 Entity/Global Functions
- 7 Visibility Functions
- 8 Other Functions
Point Functions
This function checks an origin and gives us information of its whearabouts.
The constants that this function returns are these:
#define CONTENTS_EMPTY -1 #define CONTENTS_SOLID -2 #define CONTENTS_WATER -3 #define CONTENTS_SLIME -4 #define CONTENTS_LAVA -5 #define CONTENTS_SKY -6 #define CONTENTS_ORIGIN -7 // Removed at csg time #define CONTENTS_CLIP -8 // Changed to contents_solid #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 -9 #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_90 -10 #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_180 -11 #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_270 -12 #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP -13 #define CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN -14 #define CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT -15 #define CONTENTS_LADDER -16 #define CONTENT_FLYFIELD -17 #define CONTENT_GRAVITY_FLYFIELD -18 #define CONTENT_FOG -19
static Float:origin[3] static result result = engfunc(EngFunc_PointContents, origin) // if for example result is CONTENTS_SKY // then the origin that we see is in the sky we can for example use this to see where a player is aming if he is aiming at sky this will be the result!
This function allows to get the bone positions of an entity. This is best used on getting specific player origin points.
These are the bones that a player has:
Bone 1 Name: "Bip01" Bone 2 Name: "Bip01 Pelvis" Bone 3 Name: "Bip01 Spine" Bone 4 Name: "Bip01 Spine1" Bone 5 Name: "Bip01 Spine2" Bone 6 Name: "Bip01 Spine3" Bone 7 Name: "Bip01 Neck" Bone 8 Name: "Bip01 Head" Bone 9 Name: "Bone01" Bone 10 Name: "Bip01 L Clavicle" Bone 11 Name: "Bip01 L UpperArm" Bone 12 Name: "Bip01 L Forearm" Bone 13 Name: "Bip01 L Hand" Bone 14 Name: "Bip01 L Finger0" Bone 15 Name: "Bip01 L Finger01" Bone 16 Name: "Bip01 L Finger1" Bone 17 Name: "Bip01 L Finger11" Bone 18 Name: "-- L knuckle" Bone 19 Name: "-- L Forearm twist" Bone 20 Name: "-- L wrist" Bone 21 Name: "-- L Elbow" Bone 22 Name: "-- L bicep twist" Bone 23 Name: "-- L shoulder outside" Bone 24 Name: "-- L Shoulder inside" Bone 25 Name: "Bip01 R Clavicle" Bone 26 Name: "Bip01 R UpperArm" Bone 27 Name: "Bip01 R Forearm" Bone 28 Name: "Bip01 R Hand" Bone 29 Name: "Bip01 R Finger0" Bone 30 Name: "Bip01 R Finger01" Bone 31 Name: "Bip01 R Finger1" Bone 32 Name: "Bip01 R Finger11" Bone 33 Name: "-- R knuckle" Bone 34 Name: "-- R wrist" Bone 35 Name: "-- R forearm twist" Bone 36 Name: "-- R Elbow" Bone 37 Name: "-- R bicep twist" Bone 38 Name: "-- R Shoulder inside" Bone 39 Name: "-- R shoulder outside" Bone 40 Name: "-- Neck smooth" Bone 41 Name: "-- R Butt" Bone 42 Name: "-- L butt" Bone 43 Name: "Bip01 L Thigh" Bone 44 Name: "Bip01 L Calf" Bone 45 Name: "Bip01 L Foot" Bone 46 Name: "Bip01 L Toe0" Bone 47 Name: "-- L ankle" Bone 48 Name: "-- L Knee" Bone 49 Name: "Bip01 R Thigh" Bone 50 Name: "Bip01 R Calf" Bone 51 Name: "Bip01 R Foot" Bone 52 Name: "Bip01 R Toe0" Bone 53 Name: "-- R Ankle" Bone 54 Name: "-- R Knee" Bone 55 Name: "Bomb"
// ENTITY is the player entity id // BONE_NUMBER you have to choose from the list above // bone_origin[3] is the vector where we save the bone origin // bone_angles[3] the vector that holds the angles of the bone. engfunc(EngFunc_GetBonePosition, ENTITY, BONE_NUMBER, Float:bone_origin[3], Float:bone_angles[3])
Useful Stocks
These stocks are made for CS/CZ, you need to port them to other mods.
This gets the hitgroup of the bone:
#define BONE_HIT_HEAD 8 #define BONE_HIT_CHEST 6 #define BONE_HIT_STOMACH 4 #define BONE_HIT_LEFTARM 24 #define BONE_HIT_RIGHTARM 39 #define BONE_HIT_LEFTLEG 48 #define BONE_HIT_RIGHTLEG 54 #define HEAD_NECK 40 #define BONE_L_BUTT 41 #define BONE_R_BUTT 42 stock get_bone_hitgroup(number) { switch (number) { case HEAD_NECK: { return HIT_HEAD } case BONE_L_BUTT: { return HIT_LEFTLEG } case BONE_R_BUTT: { return HIT_RIGHTLEG } } if (1 <= number <= BONE_HIT_STOMACH) return HIT_STOMACH if (BONE_HIT_STOMACH < number <= BONE_HIT_CHEST) return HIT_CHEST if (BONE_HIT_CHEST < number <= BONE_HIT_HEAD) return HIT_HEAD if (BONE_HIT_HEAD < number <= BONE_HIT_LEFTARM) return HIT_LEFTARM if (BONE_HIT_LEFTARM < number <= BONE_HIT_RIGHTARM) return HIT_RIGHTARM if (BONE_HIT_RIGHTARM < number <= BONE_HIT_LEFTLEG) return HIT_LEFTLEG if (BONE_HIT_LEFTLEG < number <= BONE_HIT_RIGHTLEG) return HIT_RIGHTLEG return HIT_GENERIC }
This gets the closest bone to the gunshot (Use this in FM_TraceLine and Ham_TraceAttack):
#define DISTANCE_CLEAR_HIT 2.0 stock find_closest_bone_to_gunshot(victim, Float:endtrace[3]) { new Float:angles[3], Float:origin[3], Float:dist = 9999999.99, Float:curorigin[3], bone_nr for (new i=1;i<=54;i++) { // Get the bone position engfunc(EngFunc_GetBonePosition, victim, i, curorigin, angles) // Calculate the distance vector xs_vec_sub(curorigin, endtrace, angles) // If this is smaller than the last small distance remember the value! if (xs_vec_len(angles) <= dist) { origin = curorigin dist = xs_vec_len(angles) bone_nr = i } // If distance is smaller than CLEARHIT! Break (We accept the last value!) if (dist <= DISTANCE_CLEAR_HIT) { break } } // Return the bone return bone_nr }
Messaging Functions
This function is used to generate client messages.
engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin, dest, msg_type, origin[3] = {0, 0, 0}, player = 0)
static Float:origin[3] // Origin should be a Float pev(id, pev_origin, origin) // Get user origin engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin,MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY,origin,0) // Create message
engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin,MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE,SVC_TEMPENTITY,_,id) // Create message
engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin,MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE,SVC_TEMPENTITY,_,id) // Create message
dest can be:
#define MSG_BROADCAST 0 // Unreliable to all, There is not id #define MSG_ONE 1 // Reliable to one (msg_entity) #define MSG_ALL 2 // Reliable to all, There is not origin #define MSG_INIT 3 // Write to the init string #define MSG_PVS 4 // Ents in PVS of org #define MSG_PAS 5 // Ents in PAS of org #define MSG_PVS_R 6 // Reliable to PVS #define MSG_PAS_R 7 // Reliable to PAS #define MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE 8 // Send to one client, but don't put in reliable stream, // put in unreliable datagram (could be dropped), there is not origin #define MSG_SPEC 9 // Sends to all spectator proxies
Before calling another EngFunc_MessageBegin you must call message_end().
Entity Search Functions
Find entities within a radius. The function returns the next entity id after the start entity.
If we use
engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, -1, origin, radius)
In the situation described on the picture the function call above will return 1,
engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, 20, origin, radius)
will return 30 and
engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, 100, origin, radius)
will return 0, meaning that it didn't find an entity with an id grater than 100.
engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, ent_to_start, origin, radius)
This function checks entities that are in the PVS of an entity. It can't be used on worldspawn.
The function returns the first entity on the PVS and then you can traverse through the results using pev_chain/EV_ENT_chain. A NULL value of pev_chain/EV_ENT_chain indicates the end of the chain.
public whatisonPVS(id) { static next, chain static class[32] next = engfunc(EngFunc_EntitiesInPVS, id) while(next) { pev(next, pev_classname, class, charsmax(class)) chain = pev(next, pev_chain) server_print("Found entity in player (%i) PVS: ent(%i) class(%s)", id, next, class) if(!chain) break next = chain } }
Returns the first entity found that matches the search criteria.
You can use any of string type attributes of entities:
classname Type of entity globalname This is the name of the global variable that can be used to control the state of the entity model The model of the entity target Entity that this entity is handling targetname The name given to this entity that another entity searches for to handle it netname Player or NPC name message Seems to be used mainly to store sound (string). It happens to store others things, depending the need of the entity noise Noise variables do different things for different ents noise1 This is the move sound for doors noise2 This is the stop sound for doors noise3 This is for blocking game_player_equip and player_weaponstrip
iEnt = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iStartEnt, sAttribute, sValue)
- iStartEnt: Start searching on this entity (ex: 0 = worldspawn)
- sAttribute: Name of attribute over which we need to search (ex: classname)
- sValue: Text string that we are searching for (ex: func_breakable)
The function returns the first entity matching the criteria.
Returns the next "player" entity in someone's PVS using a global loop.
iEnt2 = engfunc(EngFunc_FindClientInPVS, iEnt)
- iEnt Source entity. Seek someone within iEnt's PVS
Unlike EntitiesInPVS, it does not return a series of chained entities. Instead, it works like a global loop of entities. No matter which source entity you use, this function maintains the last index used and returns the next entity in source entity PVS.
This function must be called several times to find every entity in PVS and can also return the source entity but it can't be called twice inside the same function because it will return the same entity.
It's not clear the main purpose of this function because you can get similar results with EntitiesInPVS.
CheckVisibility and EntitiesInPVS are better functions to use.
Trace Functions
This function traces between 2 origins and gives us information about it.
These are the constants we can use as flags:
These constants can be used together.
Ex: IGNORE_MISSILE | IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_GLASS - This makes the traceline ignore missiles, monsters (players) and glass.
Example of doing a traceline between two origins, and ignoring glass:
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, IGNORE_GLASS, 0, tr)
Now considering glass:
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, 0, tr)
Other Traceline functions
This creates a trace handle. It's important to do this because we don't want our plugins to mess with eachothers info.
new ptr = create_tr2()
And this frees the trace handle:
Getter and setter:
[g|s]et_tr2(trace_handle, CONSTANT, argument_if_setting)
Where CONSTANT can be one of the following enumerations:
enum TraceResult { TR_AllSolid, // int TR_StartSolid, // int TR_InOpen, // int TR_InWater, // int TR_flFraction, // float TR_vecEndPos, // float array[3] TR_flPlaneDist, // float TR_vecPlaneNormal, // float array[3] TR_pHit, // int (edict_t*) TR_iHitgroup, // int };
Getting the array and Float values require the third parameter to be passed.
new startsolid = get_tr2(trace, TR_StartSolid) // TR_StartSolid is a boolean that says whether you were "inside" something // (usually the world) when the trace started (point A) // TR_AllSolid tells you if you ever got out of the "inside" or not. new inopen = get_tr2(trace, TR_InOpen) // TR_InOpen means that the start point is in Open // That means in the world and not in an ent or something new hit = get_tr2(trace, TR_pHit) // What was hit by the traceline. It will either be a player index, // entity index, 0 (part of map), or -1 (didn't hit anything; // doesn't happen with player tracelines). new hitgroup = get_tr2(trace, TR_iHitgroup) // If the traceline hit another player, returns will be HIT_HEAD, // HIT_CHEST, HIT_LEFTLEG... etc. If the traceline hit part of the // map, this returns HIT_GENERIC. new Float:fraction get_tr2(trace, TR_flFraction, fraction) // Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating how far the // traceline traveled start to end before it hit something. Depending // on what conditions were passed to this traceline forward function, // it could either be a wall or another entity. new Float:end_origin[3] get_tr2(trace, TR_vecEndPos, end_origin) // The official end of the traceline. Not necesarily the same as the // second argument passed to this traceline forward function. new Float:normal[3] get_tr2(trace, TR_vecPlaneNormal, normal) // Returns a 1 unit long vector normal to the spot that it hit. Note // that "normal" has a special connotation here. It doesn't mean "regular."
Useful Stocks
This returns true if there's a wall between start and end.
stock is_wall_between_points(Float:start[3], Float:end[3], ignore_ent) { // Create the trace handle! It is best to create it! new ptr = create_tr2() // The main traceline function! // This function ignores GLASS, MISSILE and MONSTERS! // Here is an example of how you should combine all the flags! engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, IGNORE_GLASS | IGNORE_MONSTERS | IGNORE_MISSILE, ignore_ent, ptr) // We are interested in the fraction parameter new Float: fraction get_tr2(ptr, TR_flFraction, fraction) // Free the trace handle (don't forget to do this!) free_tr2(ptr) // If = 1.0 then it didn't hit anything! return (fraction != 1.0) }
Extra Info
[Description of tracelines on the Valve Developer Community]
[Traceline tutorial by Nomexous]
EngFunc_TraceTexture, DLLFunc_PM_FindTextureType
The TraceTexture function detects the texture of an entity from a direction
The FindTextureType function allows to get the type of the material of the texture.
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceTexture, ent, Float:start[3], Float:end[3], texture_name, len)
- ent is the entity that we want to get the texture
- start is the point from where the trace starts
- end is the point where the trace ends
- texture_name - here we save the texture name
- len - the texture_name string length
dllfunc(DLLFunc_PM_FindTextureType, texture_name)
- texture_name is the name of the texture that we have gotten with TraceTexture
The function returns the material of the texture, which can be one of the following:
- C : concrete
- D : dirt
- G : grate
- M : metal
- N : snow
- P : computer
- S : slosh
- T : tile
- V : ventilation
- W : wood
- Y : glass
new texture_name[64], texture_type engfunc(EngFunc_TraceTexture, 0, start, end, texture_name, charsmax(texture_name)) texture_type = dllfunc(DLLFunc_PM_FindTextureType, texture_name)
Improper use of these functions may crash the server!
To avoid crashing the server use the TraceTexture:
- on any entities (even worldspawn) except players
- when there is at least one player connected
- with a big distance between the two points (> 2000.0)
This function traces between 2 origins a model and gives us properties about it. It acts just like a TraceLine but it ignores all the entities except the one we want to hit!
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceModel, const Float:start[3], const Float:end[3], hull, ent_to_hit, ptr)
- start - start origin
- end - end origin
- hull - the hull that is moved check above to see them
- ent_to_hit - the entity that you want to hit (this is a must!)
- ptr - the trace handle pointer, acts the same as the one in trace line!
The constants that we can use in hull:
#define HULL_POINT 0 // This means that we are moving a point from the start to the end #define HULL_HUMAN 1 // That means that we move a cube of a player from start to end #define HULL_LARGE 2 // That means that we move a bigger cube that one of the player from start to end // (used in HL for big monsters!) #define HULL_HEAD 3 // This means that we move from start to end the hull of a ducked player
Extra Info
Trace the point where some entity movement will finish. If for some reason the entity movement must be blocked for other entity (or worldspawn), TraceToss will detect that situation taking in account the original entity bounding boxes.
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceToss, ent, skipent, tr)
- ent = The entity which movement we want to trace
- skipent = The entity to skip in trace
- tr = trace handle to store the result
In the image you can see a player jumping and 2 points.
Start Point is the origin of the player when TraceToss was called.
End Point is the point returned in TR result.
So the player is making a parabola from START to END. The green line is only for testing purposes and show from where to where the trace is. This was tested with gravity = 400.
Model/Decal/Texture Functions
Properly sets a new model on an entity.
engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, iEnt, sModel)
- iEnt = Entity index
- sModel = Model file name to set on entity (ex: "models/player/vip/vip.mdl")
Engine Alternative
entity_set_model(entity, model[])
[FuncWiki page for entity_set_model]
Returns an unique index of the model name provided. It's actually the same number that precache_model() returns.
A model index is used for example in some TE_* messages. ( TE_LIGHTNING, TE_GLOWSPRITE, etc.. See message_const.inc file ).
The model index of an entity is stored in pev_modelindex.
ModelIndex = engfunc(EngFunc_ModelIndex, "models/MyModel.mdl")
ModelIndex will have the model index for "models/MyModel.mdl" after the function call.
Returns the frames count of a model.
ModelFrames = engfunc(EngFunc_ModelFrames, ModelIndex)
- ModelIndex = The model index. Value you can get from precache_model() or EngFunc_ModelIndex.
Returns an unique index of the decal name provided.
A decal index is used for example in some TE_* messages. ( TE_PLAYERDECAL, TE_DECAL, etc.. See message_const.inc file ).
All the available decals are stored in the decals.wad file. ( Located at your mod root directory )
As side-note a plugin ["Decals/Models Lister"] is available to see a list of decals/models index/name. ( Only CS and HL )
DecalIndex = engfunc(EngFunc_DecalIndex, "{bigshot1")
DecalIndex will have the decal index for "{bigshot1" after the function call.
Engine alternative
DecalIndex = get_decal_index( "{bigshot1" )
[FuncWiki page for get_decal_index()]
Plays the selected animation on entity
entity_set_float(iEnt, EV_FL_framerate, fFrameRate); entity_set_int(iEnt, EV_INT_sequence, iSequence); engfunc(EngFunc_AnimationAutomove, iEnt, fTime);
- fFrameRate = Frame rate of desired animation.
- iSequence = Sequence to play.
- iEnt = Source entity.
- fTime = It seems to not affect the animation. Maybe for internal use.
First you have to select the sequence and the desired frame rate. Then you can start the animation. It will run in an endless loop.
It seems to work only on non-player entities.
Entity/Global Functions
Returns the number of entities in the world.
ents = engfunc(EngFunc_NumberOfEntities)
Engine alternative
ents = entity_count()
[FuncWiki page for entity_count]
Sets the bounds of an entity.
engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, iEnt, Float:fMins[3], Float:fMaxs[3])
- iEnt = Entity index
- fMins[3] = Mins boundings values (x,y,z)
- fMaxs[3] = Maxs boundings values (x,y,z)
Engine alternative
entity_set_size(index, Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3])
[FuncWiki page for entity_set_size]
Properly sets a new origin on an entity.
engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, iEnt, Float:Origin[3])
- iEnt = Entity index
- Origin[3] = New origin for the entity (x,y,z)
Engine alternative
entity_set_origin(index, Float:NewOrigin[3])
[FuncWiki page for entity_set_origin]
Moves an entity a defined distance toward a coordinate.
If the distance between Entity and Destination is less than the required distance, the entity will pass over that point.
engfunc(EngFunc_MoveToOrigin, iEnt, Float:Destination[3], Float:Distance, iMoveType)
- iEnt = Entity index
- Destination[3] = A Coordinate toward which the entity moves
- Distance = The distance to move the entity
- iMoveType = This is the MOVE_* option used for monsters and players to change the behaviour of the movement
Move type possible values:
#define MOVE_NORMAL 0 // normal move in the direction monster is facing #define MOVE_STRAFE 1 // moves in direction specified, no matter which way monster is facing #define MOVE_STUCK_DIST 32 // if a monster can't step this far, it is stuck. #define MOVE_START_TURN_DIST 64 // when this far away from moveGoal, start turning to face next goal
- iEnt must be on ground
- If there's an object closer than Distance that iEnt could collide then the movement is not done
- If there's a ramp, it works like an object and the movement is not done
Visibility Functions
This function is used to check if an entity is in your PVS.
It can be used on all entities except worldspawn.
This function has a parameter that must be obtained in a special way, the pset parameter. Note: The parameter is player only, that means that if you get pset for example for a player that has the id 1. When you use this function on an entity it will check whether that entity is in PVS of the Player id 1.
new g_cl_pset[33] public plugin_init(id) { register_forward(FM_AddToFullPack, "pfw_atfp", 1) } public pfw_atfp(es, e, ent, host, flags, player, set) { g_cl_pset[host] = set return FMRES_IGNORED } stock is_ent_in_player_pvs(id, entity) { return engfunc(EngFunc_CheckVisibility, entity, g_cl_pset[id]) } stock get_pvs_players(id, players[32], num, flags[], team[]) { if (!is_user_connected(id)) return 0 get_players(players, num, flags, team) for (new i=0;i<num;i++) { if (!is_ent_in_player_pvs(id, players[i])) { num--; for (new j=i;j<num;j++) { players[j] = players[j+1] } i-- } } return 1 }
Other Functions
Precaches a model or sprite file.
This should be used only when you would need to postpone the precache process in plugin_init() or plugin_cfg(), otherwise you should use precache_model() native directly in plugin_precache() forward.
It can be useful for example when you want to manage models with cvars and to avoid registering them in plugin_precache() then getting some trouble, you could manage out of this forward.
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "models/MyModel.mdl")
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/MySprite.spr")
It returns the precached model/sprite index if successful, otherwise 0.
Precaches a sound, only *.wav file. ( for mp3, see EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric )
This should be used only when you would need to postpone the precache process in plugin_init() or plugin_cfg(), otherwise you should use precache_sound() native directly in plugin_precache() forward.
It can be useful for example when you want to manage sounds with cvars and to avoid registering them in plugin_precache() then getting some trouble, you could manage out of this forward.
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, "sound/MySound.wav")
It returns the precached sound index if successful, otherwise 0.
Prints an alert message.
engfunc(EngFunc_AlertMessage, AlertType, const Message)
AlertType can be:
at_notice - shows a message box with the message at_console - same as at_notice, but forces a ConPrintf, not a message box, prints output to server console, but only if 'developer' is 1. at_aiconsole - same as at_console, but only shown if 'developer' is 2. at_warning - at_error - at_logged - prints output to server logs and console.