Setting up a Notepad++ (SourceMod)

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This is guide to setting up NotePad++
Install Notepad++ 32-bit x86 text editor

YouTube Video Setting up a Notepad++ (SourceMod) - Wiki guide

SourcePawn syntax highlight & autocompletion

Download npp-docs zip file

and extract files on your desktop.

Move sourcemod.xml file into Notepad++ ...plugins\APIs folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\notepad++\plugins\APIs\sourcemod.xml

*Update 31.3.2020 -Since Notepad++ 7.6.x and later
C:\Program Files (x86)\notepad++\autoCompletion\sourcemod.xml

Open Notepad++ and select Language -> Define your language...
Select Import... and open userDefineLang.xml file

Restart Notepad++

Plugin NppExec

Install NppExec Notepad++ plugin (manually or through Plugin Manager).
C:\Program Files (x86)\notepad++\plugins\NppExec\NppExec.dll

Restart NotePad++

Choose Plugins -> NppExec -> Execute... (F6)
Add this script:

spcomp.exe "$(FILE_NAME)"
cmd /q /c move "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\$(NAME_PART).smx" "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\..\plugins\$(NAME_PART).smx"

Save -> name it sourcemod -> Save

Choose Plugins -> NppExec -> Console Output Filters... (Shift+F6)

✔️ %FILE%(%LINE%) : error * 0x99 0x00 0x00 B
✔️ %FILE%(%LINE%) : warning * 0x00 0x50 0x99 I

Choose Plugins -> NppExec -> NppExec Advanced Options...
Select Associated scipt: sourcemod, then click Add/Modify button. Ok and restart Notepad++

Choose Settings -> Shortcut Mapper...
and go Plugin Commands tab.
Find and clear Execute... = F6 button.
Find sourcemod = and Modify F6 button in this line.

Testing compiling Sourcemod plugin

Go SourceMod scripting folder, where you find *.sp files.
Make copy of any file for testing purpose and open it with NotePad++.
When you hit F6 key, NotePad++ should:

  • Save your file
  • Run CMD and compile current *.sp file to *.smx
  • Move compiled *.smx file from scripting folder to SourceMod plugins folder.

--Bacardi (talk) 08:39, 31 March 2020 (CDT)