Zh cn:SQL (SourceMod Scripting)/zh
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SourceMod的SQL层的正式称呼是DBI,全写是Database Interface,中文称呼为数据库接口,这个接口是通用SQL方法的一般抽象。要连接到特定数据库(譬如MySQL和sqLite),则必须加载对应的SourceMod DBI驱动。当前SourceMod已内置有MySQL和SQLite的驱动。
SourceMod会自动按需(当然前提是有)检测并加载驱动。所有的数据库相关内置函数可以在scripting/include/dbi.inc中找到,对应的C++ API则在public/IDBDriver.h中。
"default" { "host" "localhost" "database" "sourcemod" "user" "root" "pass" "" //"timeout" "0" //"port" "0" }
char error[255]; Database db = SQL_DefConnect(error, sizeof(error)); if (db == null) { PrintToServer("Could not connect: %s", error); } else { delete db; }
if (!SQL_FastQuery(db, "UPDATE stats SET players = players + 1")) { char error[255]; SQL_GetError(db, error, sizeof(error)); PrintToServer("Failed to query (error: %s)", error); }
DBResultSet query = SQL_Query(db, "SELECT userid FROM vb_user WHERE username = 'BAILOPAN'"); if (query == null) { char error[255]; SQL_GetError(db, error, sizeof(error)); PrintToServer("Failed to query (error: %s)", error); } else { /* 在这里进行结果的处理! */ /* 释放句柄对象 */ delete query; }
- 如果使用预编译语句,那么数据库就可以更好地缓存查询
- 你不需要每次使用时重新构造查询语句
- 你不需要每次使用时分配新的查询结构体
- 输入总是安全的(下面会讲到)
A prepared statement has "markers" for inputs. For example, let's consider a function that takes in a database Handle and a name, and retrieves some info from a table:
int GetSomeInfo(Database db, const char[] name) { DBResultSet hQuery; char query[100]; /* 创建足够的空间来保证我们的查询字符串能被正确引用 */ int buffer_len = strlen(name) * 2 + 1; char[] new_name = new char[buffer_len]; /* 要求SQL驱动程序确保我们的字符串被安全引用 */ SQL_EscapeString(db, name, new_name, buffer_len); /* 生成查询语句串 */ Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT userid FROM vb_user WHERE username = '%s'", new_name); /* 执行查询语句 */ if ((hQuery = SQL_Query(query)) == null) { return 0; } /* 获取一些信息 */ delete hQuery; }
DBStatement hUserStmt = null; int GetSomeInfo(Database db, const char[] name) { /* 检查一下我们是不是已经创建好了语句 */ if (hUserStmt == null) { char error[255]; hUserStmt = SQL_PrepareQuery(db, "SELECT userid FROM vb_user WHERE username = ?", error, sizeof(error)); if (hUserStmt == null) { return 0; } } SQL_BindParamString(hUserStmt, 0, name, false); if (!SQL_Execute(hUserStmt)) { return 0; } /** * 在这处理信息 */ }
- 输入字符串(name)不需要被反引号(引号)包起来。数据库引擎会自动处理类型安全和插入检查。
- 参数标记?周围不需要引号,即使它接受了一个字符串。
- 我们仅仅只需要创建语句句柄一次,在那之后,于该数据库连接的整个生命周期它都将存在。
对于普通查询和预编译语句查询,它们处理结果的方式相同。 相关的重要函数如下:
- SQL_GetRowCount() - 返回查询结果的行数。
- SQL_FetchRow() - 拉取下一行,如果有的话。
- SQL_Fetch[Int|String|Float]() - 从当前行拉取特定字段的数据。
void PrintResults(Handle query) { /* 即便结果只有一行,你也应该先使用SQL_FetchRow() */ char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; while (SQL_FetchRow(query)) { SQL_FetchString(query, 0, name, sizeof(name)); PrintToServer("Name \"%s\" was found.", name); } } bool GetByAge_Query(Database db, int age) { char query[100]; Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = %d", age); DBResultSet hQuery = SQL_Query(db, query); if (hQuery == null) { return false; } PrintResults(hQuery); delete hQuery; return true; } DBStatement hAgeStmt = null; bool GetByAge_Statement(Database db, int age) { if (hAgeSmt == null) { char error[255]; if ((hAgeStmt = SQL_PrepareQuery(db, "SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = ?", error, sizeof(error))) == null) { return false; } } SQL_BindParamInt(hAgeStmt, 0, age); if (!SQL_Execute(hAgeStmt)) { return false; } PrintResults(hAgeStmt); return true; }
译注:下面的内容比较复杂,可以不用看 SourceMod支持多线程SQL查询。这意味着,数据库操作可以在游戏主线程之外的线程中完成。如果你使用远程的数据库服务器或者需要一个网络连接,查询可能会导致明显延迟,所以如果你的查询发生在游戏进行期间,那么支持线程通常是一个好主意。
- db - 数据库句柄对象的拷贝。如果db句柄找不到或者是无效的,会把 null 传过去。
- results - 结果对象,失败时为null。
- error - 包含错误内容的字符串。
- data - 通过SQL操作传递的自定义数据。
- 数据库连接,使用函数 SQL_TConnect。
- 数据库查询,使用函数 SQL_TQuery()。
- 注意: 预编译语句目前不支持多线程。
没必要为了线程化的查询而使用线程化的数据据连接。但是,使用线程化的数据库连接就不会因为建立连接时的延时造成服务器卡顿。 线程化的数据库连接使用这个回调: SQLConnectCallback。
- db: 数据库连接的句柄对象,如果无法连接,将会返回null
- error: 错误的字符串,如果有
- data: 未使用
Database hDatabase = null; void StartSQL() { Database.Connect(GotDatabase); } public void GotDatabase(Database db, const char[] error, any data) { if (db == null) { LogError("Database failure: %s", error); } else { hDatabase = db; } }
只要驱动支持,线程化的查询可以用任何数据库句柄来执行。Threaded queries can be performed on any database Handle as long as the driver supports threading. All query results for the first result set are retrieved while in the thread. If your query returns more than one set of results (for example, CALL on MySQL with certain functions), the behaviour of the threader is undefined at this time. Note that if you want to perform both threaded and non-threaded queries on the same connection, you MUST read the "Locking" section below.
Query operations use the following callback parameters:
- owner: A Handle to the database used to query. The Handle is not the same as the Handle originally passed; however, it will test positively with SQL_IsSameConnection. The Handle can be cloned but it cannot be closed (it is closed automatically). It may be null in the case of a serious error (for example, the driver being unloaded).
- hndl: A Handle to the query. It can be cloned, but not closed (it is closed automatically). It may be null if there was an error.
- error: Error string, if any.
- data: Optional user-defined data passed in through SQL_TQuery().
Example, continuing from above:
void CheckSteamID(int userid, const char[] auth) { char query[255]; FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT userid FROM users WHERE steamid = '%s'", auth); hdatabase.Query(T_CheckSteamID, query, userid); } public void T_CheckSteamID(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any data) { int client = 0; /* Make sure the client didn't disconnect while the thread was running */ if ((client = GetClientOfUserId(data)) == 0) { return; } if (results == null) { LogError("Query failed! %s", error); KickClient(client, "Authorization failed"); } else if (results.RowCount == 0) { KickClient(client, "You are not a member"); } }
It is possible to run both threaded and non-threaded queries on the same connection. However, without the proper precautions, you could corrupt the network stream (even if it's local), corrupt memory, or otherwise cause a crash in the SQL driver. To solve this, SourceMod has database locking. Locking is done via SQL_LockDatabase() and SQL_UnlockDatabase.
Whenever performing any of the following non-threaded operations on a database, it is absolutely necessary to enclose the entire operation with a lock:
- SQL_Query() (and SQL_FetchMoreResults pairings)
- SQL_FastQuery
- SQL_PrepareQuery
- SQL_Bind* and SQL_Execute pairings
The rule of thumb is: if your operation is going to use the database connection, it must be locked until the operation is fully completed.
bool GetByAge_Query(Database db, int age) { char query[100]; FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = %d", age); SQL_LockDatabase(db); DBResultSet hQuery = SQL_Query(db, query); if (hQuery == null) { SQL_UnlockDatabase(db); return false; } SQL_UnlockDatabase(db); PrintResults(hQuery); delete hQuery; return true; }
Note that it was only necessary to lock the query; SourceMod pre-fetches the result set, and thus the network queue is clean.
- Never call SQL_LockDatabase right before a threaded operation. You will deadlock the server and have to terminate/kill it.
- Always pair every Lock with an Unlock. Otherwise you risk a deadlock.
- If your query returns multiple result sets, for example, a procedure call on MySQL that returns results, you must lock both the query and the entire fetch operation. SourceMod is only able to fetch one result set at a time, and all result sets must be cleared before a new query is started.
Threaded SQL operations are placed in a simple priority queue. The priority levels are High, Medium, and Low. Connections always have the highest priority.
Changing the priority can be useful if you have many queries with different purposes. For example, a statistics plugin might execute 10 queries on death, and one query on join. Because the statistics might rely on the join info, the join query might need to be high priority, while the death queries can be low priority.
You should never simply assign a high priority to all of your queries simply because you want them to get done fast. Not only does it not work that way, but you may be inserting subtle problems into other plugins by being greedy.
Since SQLite is local only, most of the connection parameters can be ignored. The only connection parameter required is database, which specifies the file name of the database. Databases are created on demand if they do not already exist, and are stored in addons/sourcemod/data/sqlite. An extension of ".sq3" is automatically appended to the file name.
Additionally, you can specify sub-folders in the database name. For example, "cssdm/players" will become addons/sourcemod/data/sqlite/cssdm/players.sq3.
SQLite supports the threading layer, and requires all of the same rules as the MySQL driver (including locks on shared connections).
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