Half-life 1 game events

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In AMX Mod X you are able to hook in-game messages/events with register_message / register_event. Here are the list of messages/events and their arguments which can be read with get_msg_arg_* / read_data.

  • See the Advanced Scripting article for more on events and messages.
  • See messages.inc and message_const.inc from amxmodx/scriptong/include folder or Messaging functions and Message constants for full messages control including blocking, argument alteration and much more.
  • Type meta game in the server console to list messages for the current mod.
  • Damaged Soul's Message Logging plugin for AMX Mod X can be used to log messages and their parameters on a live server.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Note: No Information is available for this message.
Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ADStop


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Team Fortress Classic

This message changes whether or not "SPECTATE" appears on the change team menu. It is sent whenever the allow_spectators CVar is changed, with its new value sent as the byte.

Note: This changes how the change team menu appears, but spectating functionality is based on the actual CVar value.

Name: AllowSpec
byte Allowed


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message temporarily draws HUD numerical ammo amount and corresponding ammo HUD icon in the middle of the right side of the screen.

Note: Draw time depends on the hud_drawhistory_time client CVar value.
Note: See CS Weapons Information for more information.

Name: AmmoPickup
byte AmmoID
byte Ammount


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the green bar indicator in the HUD weapons list. It also updates HUD backpack ammo number in the lower right corner of the screen if the given ammo type is compatible with the current weapon.

Note: See CS Weapons Information for more information.

Name: AmmoX
byte AmmoID
byte Ammount


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message draws/removes the helmet HUD icon. If flag is set to 1, the helmet HUD icon will be drawn (located right on the armor icon).

Name: ArmorType
byte Flag


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message draws a HUD progress bar which is filled from 0% to 100% for the time Duration seconds. Once the bar is fully filled it will be removed from the screen automatically.

Note: Set Duration to 0 to hide the bar.

Name: BarTime
short Duration


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

The message is the same as BarTime, but StartPercent specifies how much of the bar is (already) filled.

Note: Display time can be calculated with this formula: (1 - (StartPercent / 100)) / Duration

Name: BarTime2
short Duration
short StartPercent


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the icon and numerical armor value on the HUD.

Name: Battery
short Armor


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message makes a player's money display flash rapidly, a total of BlinkAmt times.

Name: BlinkAcct
byte BlinkAmt


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message creates a puff of blood at the specified coordinates.

Name: BloodPuff
coord CoordX
coord CoordY
coord CoordZ


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message is sent when the bomb is dropped or planted by a player.

The first three arguments are the origin of the dropped bomb. The last argument is set to 0 if the bomb was dropped due to voluntary dropping or death/disconnect. It is set to 1 if the bomb was planted, which will trigger the round timer to hide. It also will show the dropped bomb on the Terrorist team's radar in the location specified by the first three arguments.

Name: BombDrop
coord CoordX
coord CoordY
coord CoordZ
byte Flag


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message just tells the clients that the bomb has been picked up. It will cause the dropped bomb to disappear from the Terrorist team's radar.

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: BombPickup


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message is sent when CZ's bots are learning a new map. It displays a progress bar in the middle of the screen, with some header text. The bar doesn't move, and you can't do anything while the bar is displayed. This is a different style of progress bar than from the BarTime event. This really doesn't display well in CS.

Note: Flag can be 0 (update bar), 1 (create new bar), or 2 (remove bar). When using flag 0, send all arguments. When using flag 1, send only Flag and Header. When using flag 2, send only Flag.

Name: BotProgress
byte Flag
byte Progress
string Header


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message displays (or hides) the voice icon above a user's head and the talking icon on the right side of the screen. This is called by CZ for bots; it's not called for regular players, although you can specify a regular player (non-bot) for the PlayerIndex. Status is 1 for talking, or 0 for not talking.

Name: BotVoice
byte Status
byte PlayerIndex


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message creates a brass shell. Used, for example, by the AWP, after firing.

Name: Brass
byte MessageID
coord StartX
coord StartY
coord StartZ
coord VelocityX?
coord VelocityY?
coord VelocityZ?
coord UnknownX
coord UnknownY
coord UnknownZ
angle Rotation
short ModelIndex
byte BounceSoundType
byte Life
byte PlayerID


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message forces the buy menu to close. This is not called when the player manually closes the buy menu; it's only called when the game forces them to do so (e.g. walking outside of the buy zone, getting killed, etcetera).

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: BuyClose


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This displays a message like "Player captured the Allied plaza for the Axis". An example PointName is POINT_CAEN_AXISPLAZA.

Name: CapMsg
byte PlayerID
string PointName
byte TeamID


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat

This message spawns a player's corpse. ModelName is the player's model name, for example: "leet". Delay is a delay before animation playback, which can be a negative value.

Note: Coord and Delay is multiplied by 128.
Note: In CS, argument #10 is always equal to 0.

Name: ClCorpse
string ModelName
long CoordX
long CoordY
long CoordZ
coord Angle0
coord Angle1
coord Angle2
long Delay
byte Sequence
byte ClassID?
byte TeamID
byte PlayerID


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch • Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message creates screen shake effect similar to the TFC concussion grenade effect.

Note: In all mods except TFC, this message requires to be registered by using EngFunc_RegUserMsg.

Name: Concuss
byte amount


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message draws/removes a crosshair. If Flag is set to 1 the crosshair will be drawn.

Note: This crosshair looks not like the regular one, but like the one that is drawn in spectator mode.

Name: Crosshair
byte Flag


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the numerical magazine ammo count and the corresponding ammo type icon on the HUD.

Note: See CS Weapons Information for more information on Counter-Strike weapons.

Name: CurWeapon
byte IsActive
byte WeaponID
byte ClipAmmo


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message supplies certain updates to the player regarding Condition Zero single-player missions.

Note: See the CZCareer page for more information.
Note: Using an invalid type has no repercussions whatsoever. Therefore, you can use this to make your own custom communications (you can send any number of arguments of any type after the first string).
Note: The Type argument is case-sensitive.
Note: This event does nothing in CS and CZ multiplayer.

Name: CZCareer
string Type
* Parameters


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message displays certain HUD elements regarding Condition Zero single-player missions.

Note: See the CZCareerHUD page for more information.
Note: Using an invalid type has no repercussions whatsoever. Therefore, you can use this to make your own custom communications (you can send any number of arguments of any type after the first string).
Note: The Type argument is case-sensitive.
Note: This event has some limited functionality in CS and CZ multi-player (albeit better in CZ).

Name: CZCareerHUD
string Type
* Parameters


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message is sent when a player takes damage, to display the red locational indicators. The last three arguments are the origin of the damage inflicter or victim origin if inflicter isn't found. DamageType is a bitwise value which usually consists of a single bit.

Note: To capture this message, you should use "b" as the third parameter in the register_event() function.

Name: Damage
byte DamageSave
byte DamageTake
long DamageType
coord CoordX
coord CoordY
coord CoordZ


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This event is fired to all players (MSG_ALL or MSG_BROADCAST) to notify them of a death. This generates the HUD message the client sees in the upper right corner of their screen.
It also prints the console text message "KillerName killed VictimName with TruncatedWeaponName" or "*** KillerName killed VictimName with a headshot from TruncatedWeaponName ***"

Note: This message has different parameters depending upon the mod.
Note: KillerID may not always be a Player ID. It would be 0 if a player died from fall/acid/radiation/fire/etc damage/lack of oxygen or from touch to a "trigger_hurt" entity, in which cases TruncatedWeaponName will be "worldspawn" and "trigger_hurt" respectively.
Note: For vehicle kills, TruncatedWeaponName could be "vehicle", "tank", etc.
Note: In some mods, TruncatedWeaponName is "teammate" for a team kill, which shows a green skull in the HUD message.

Name: DeathMsg
byte KillerID
byte VictimID
string TruncatedWeaponName


Note: TruncatedWeaponName doesn't contain a "weapon_" prefix. See CS Weapons Information for more information.
Note: For a grenade kill, TruncatedWeaponName isn't "hegrenade", but rather "grenade", which is the actual classname of a thrown grenade.

Name: DeathMsg
byte KillerID
byte VictimID
byte IsHeadshot
string TruncatedWeaponName

Day of Defeat

Name: DeathMsg
byte KillerID
byte VictimID
byte WeaponID


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Ricochet

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the flashlight battery charge on the HUD.

Name: FlashBat
byte ChargePercentage


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the flashlight state and battery charge on the HUD. If Flag is set to 1 the flashlight HUD icon will be shown as active.

Name: Flashlight
byte Flag
byte ChargePercent


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Natural Selection • Sven Co-op

Note: mp_Fog 1 for fog in Counter-Strike

Name: Fog
byte FogValue
byte FogValue
byte Unknown


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message is sent whenever mp_forcecam or mp_forcechasecam are changed, with their new values passed. There is presumably a third CVar that this tracks, but which one is currently unknown. Note that this message doesn't actually change any of the spectating rules for the client.

Note: Even if mp_forcechasecam is set to 2, it is sent by this message as 1.

Name: ForceCam
byte ForcecamValue
byte ForcechasecamValue
byte Unknown


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message sets a player's kills, as seen on the scoreboard. This message is only sent for the killer.

Name: Frags
byte PlayerID
short Kills


Supported Mods: Ricochet

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message informs the client of the current game mode.

Name: GameMode
byte Game mode


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Half-Life Deathmatch

Display game title (gametitle) - 0 is No and 1 is Yes. If write_byte 1, then Half-Life will be displayed.
Note: This only works for Half-life

Name: GameTitle
byte 0 or 1


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message signals the client to notify the player of the radiation level through special sound signals. Distance is the distance to the hazard area.

Name: Geiger
byte Distance


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the numerical health value on the HUD.

Name: Health
byte Health


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message hides the specified HUD elements.

  1   (1<<0)  -  crosshair, ammo, weapons list
  2   (1<<1)  -  flashlight, +
  4   (1<<2)  -  ALL
  8   (1<<3)  -  radar, health, armor, +
 16   (1<<4)  -  timer, +
 32   (1<<5)  -  money, +
 64   (1<<6)  -  crosshair
128   (1<<7)  -  +

Symbol + mean that an additional crosshair will be drawn. That crosshair looks exactly like the one from Crosshair message.

Name: HideWeapon
byte Flags


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat

This message is sent for HLTV and is unique for each round-start.
On new round is fired 2 messages:

// reset all players health for HLTV
WRITE_BYTE( 0 );   // 0 = all players
WRITE_BYTE( 100 | 128 );
// reset all players FOV for HLTV MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_SPEC, gmsgHLTV ); WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // all players WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); MESSAGE_END();
Name: HLTV
byte ClientID
byte Flags


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message temporarily draws a blinking red dot on the CT players' radar when a hostage is killed.

Name: HostageK
byte HostageID


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message draws/updates the blue mark on the CT players' radar which indicates the corresponding hostage's position.

Note: It is called with Flag set to 1 on player HUD full update.

Name: HostagePos
byte Flag
byte HostageID
coord CoordX
coord CoordY
coord CoordZ


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

This message sets HudColor. Set HUD color in RGB.
Note: This only works for OP4. Affects weapon pick-ups, health, armor, and ammo.

Name: HudColor
byte 0-255 RED
byte 0-255 GRN
byte 0-255 BLU


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message prints HUD text.

Note: Prints message with specified style in titles.txt with small signs (like in HL)

Name: HudText
string TextCode
byte InitHUDstyle


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message prints HUD text.

Note: An example of TextCode could be "#Hint_you_have_the_bomb".
Note: Prints message with specified style in titles.txt with Big signs (CS Default)
Note: If you have problems specifying the last two arguments, use 1 and 0 respectively.

Name: HudTextArgs
string TextCode
byte InitHUDstyle
byte NumberOfSubMessages
string SubMsg
string SubMsg
string ...


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message prints HUD text.

Note: Prints message with specified style in titles.txt with Big signs (CS Default)

Name: HudText
string TextCode
byte InitHUDstyle


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message initializes the HUD.

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: InitHUD


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message updates the flags (axis/allies/objective flags, not programming flags) displayed to the client when a point is captured.

Name: InitObj
byte TotalObjectives
Objective ...

TotalObjectives represents the number of Objective sub-messages that are present. Each Objective sub-message is in the following format:

Name: Objective
short EntityID?
byte ObjectiveID?
byte TeamID
byte Unknown
byte Unknown
byte Unknown
byte Unknown
coord CoordX?
coord CoordY?

If a map has 5 objectives, this message will have 46 arguments (1 + 5 * 9).


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message temporarily draws a corresponding item HUD icon in the middle of the right side of the screen.

Note: Draw time is dependent on the hud_drawhistory_time client CVar value.

Name: ItemPickup
string ItemName


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message notifies the client about carried items.
Example of some item bits:

1   (1<<0)  -  nightvision goggles
2   (1<<1)  -  defusal kit
Name: ItemStatus
byte ItemsBitSum


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message is sent when a player changes zones on a map.

Name: Location
byte PlayerId
string LocationName


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message updates the amount of money on the HUD. If the Flag is 1, the amount of money added will also be displayed.

Name: Money
long Amount
byte Flag


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message displays the MOTD window.

Note: Max. Text length is 60. A larger MOTD is sent in multiple messages. Flag will be set to 1 for the final segment.

Name: MOTD
byte Flag
string Text


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message toggles night vision mode. For Flag: 1 is on, 0 is off.

Name: NVGToggle
byte Flag


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message is sent when a player picks up certain objects. The specified sprite will be displayed on the left side of the HUD. An example Sprite is sprites/mapsprites/ae_satchel2.spr.

Name: Object
string Sprite


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message sets a player's score, as seen on the scoreboard.

Name: ObjScore
byte PlayerID
short Score


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.

Name: PClass
byte PlayerID?
byte Unknown


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Ricochet

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message is sent along with Object when a player picks up an object. It may have other uses. When I picked up a satchel charge, the Unknown value was 5.

Name: PStatus
byte PlayerID?
byte Unknown


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Deathmatch Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message draws/updates the dot on the HUD radar which indicates the given player position.

Note: This works for teammates only.

Name: Radar
byte PlayerID
coord CoordX
coord CoordY
coord CoordZ


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message tells the client which visual weather effect to be executed client side, if client's cl_weather CVar is above 0.

Note: Main part of CBasePlayer::SendWeatherInfo() function that is sent in CBasePlayer :: UpdateClientData() when player offset m_fInitHUD is 1
(right after putinserver or after fullupdate command)
Mode: 1 is for rain effect, 2 is for snow effect
Though mode 0 is never sent by the game itself, it removes the weather effect.
Alternatively send mode 1 and mode 2 with judicious delays (time for effect to disappear) to make both rain and snow effect

Name: ReceiveW
byte Mode


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message plays generic reload sounds.

Note: Setting IsNotShotgun to 1 will play weapons/generic_reload.wav
Note: Setting IsNotShotgun to 0 will play weapons/generic_shot_reload.wav

Name: ReloadSound
byte Volume * 255
byte IsNotShotgun


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

Note: No Information is available for this message.
Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ReqState


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message resets the HUD.

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ResetHUD


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message resets the client's sensitivity?

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ResetSens


Supported Mods: Ricochet

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message updates the round timer on the HUD. Time is in seconds.

Name: RoundTime
short Time


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message prints say HUD text. The second argument can be a predefined string or a custom one. In the latter case, the last two arguments aren't required.
Examples of predefined Counter-Strike string values include #Cstrike_Chat_AllDead and #Cstrike_Name_Change.

Note: For #Cstrike_Name_Change String2 is an old name and String3 is a new name.

Name: SayText
byte SenderID
string String1
string String2
string String3


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

If Active is 0, this display will be hidden. If Active is 1, this displays Sprite (valid names listed in sprites/hud.txt) to the right of the round timer with an alpha value of Alpha (100-255). If FlashRate is nonzero, then the sprite will flash from the given alpha to an alpha of 100, at a rate of FlashRate (measured in ???). This is used by CZ to display how many hostages remain unrescued, and also to display the ticking bomb when it is planted.

Scenario message in CS, using the following parameters: 1, d_mp5navy, 150

Note: If Active is 0, don't send any other arguments afterwards. Also, you don't need to send either short if FlashRate is just going to be 0.
Note: This works in both CS and CZ!
Note: In CZ (and possibly CS), if someone respawns after the bomb has been planted, their Scenario event will not work at all until the next round.

Name: Scenario
byte Active
string Sprite
byte Alpha
short FlashRate
short FlashDelay


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.

Name: Scope
byte Unknown


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message updates the scoreboard attribute for the specified player. For the 2nd argument, 0 is nothing, (1<<0) i.e. 1 is dead, (1<<1) i.e. 2 is bomb, (1<<2) i.e. 4 is VIP, (1<<3) i.e. 8 is defuse kit.

Note: Flags is a bitwise value so if VIP player is dying with the bomb the Flags will be 7 i.e. bit sum of all flags.

Name: ScoreAttrib
byte PlayerID
byte Flags


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the scoreboard with the given player's Score and Deaths. In Counter-Strike, the score is based on the number of frags and the bomb detonating or being defused. In Team Fortress Classic, the score is based on the number of kills, suicides, and captures. Day of Defeat uses ScoreShort and ObjScore instead of this message to update score and deaths.

Note: In CS the 4th argument (ClassID) is always equal to 0.

Name: ScoreInfo
byte PlayerID
short Score
short Deaths
short ClassID
short TeamID


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: Although Metamod lists this message, it doesn't appear to be used or even a valid message name.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message updates a player's Score, Kills, and Deaths as seen on the scoreboard. This message is only sent for the victim.

Note: The fifth argument appears to be the same as the refresh parameter used in dod_set_pl_deaths and was always 1 in my testing.

Name: ScoreShort
byte PlayerID
short Score
short Kills
short Deaths
short Refresh?


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message fades the screen.

Note: Duration and HoldTime is in special units. 1 second is equal to (1<<12) i.e. 4096 units.

Flags (from HLSDK):

FFADE_IN         0x0000 // Just here so we don't pass 0 into the function
FFADE_OUT        0x0001 // Fade out (not in)
FFADE_MODULATE   0x0002 // Modulate (don't blend)
FFADE_STAYOUT    0x0004 // ignores the duration, stays faded out until new ScreenFade message received
Name: ScreenFade
short Duration
short HoldTime
short Flags
byte ColorR
byte ColorG
byte ColorB
byte Alpha


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message shakes the screen.

Note: All arguments is in special units. 1 second is equal to (1<<12) i.e. 4096 units.

Name: ScreenShake
short Amplitude
short Duration
short Frequency


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch • Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message creates an icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. TFC uses it to display carried grenade icon. It is not registered in other mods, but it is still useable though.

Note: icon is any sprite name from hud.txt.
Note: this message will have effect only when sent in conjuction with SecAmmoVal message.

Name: SecAmmoIcon
string icon


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch • Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

It is used to show carried grenade amount in TFC; it is disabled on all other mods, but it is still useable though.

Note: Slots range from 1 to 4.
Note: Sending 0 as amount for all slots will remove the effect of this message.

Name: SecAmmoVal
byte slot
byte amount


Supported Mods: Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message plays the specified audio. An example of AudioCode could be "%!MRAD_rounddraw".

Name: SendAudio
byte SenderID
string AudioCode
short Pitch


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message sends the server name to a client.

Name: ServerName
string ServerName


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message sets the specified field of view.

Name: SetFOV
byte Degrees


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.

Name: SetObj
byte Unknown1
byte Unknown2
byte Unknown3


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Note: Creates/Hides shadow beneath player.
Note: Passing 0 as the argument will hide the shadow.

Name: ShadowIdx
long spriteIndex


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message displays a "menu" to a player (text on the left side of the screen). It acts like AMXX's show_menu (in fact, this is how AMXX shows a menu).

Note: Multipart should be 1 if your menu takes up multiple messages (i.e.: string is too big to fit into one). On the final message, Multipart should be 0.

Name: ShowMenu
short KeysBitSum
char Time
byte Multipart
string Text


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message forces the round timer to display.

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ShowTimer


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Team Fortress Classic

This message updates a spectator's screen with health of the currently spectated player, on health change (on TakeDamage, doesn't seems to be sent anywhere else).

Note: Previous information has been checked on cs1.6/cz only

Name: SpecHealth
byte Health


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message updates a spectator's screen with the name and health of the given player when player is freshly spectated.

Name: SpecHealth2
byte Health
byte PlayerID


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic

This message is sent when a player becomes an observer/spectator.

Note: On join to Spectators this usually is fired twice in a row.

Name: Spectator
byte ClientID
byte IsSpectator


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Ricochet

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Team Fortress Classic

This message draws/removes the specified status HUD icon. For Status, 0 is Hide Icon, 1 is Show Icon, 2 is Flash Icon. Color arguments are optional and are required only if Status isn't equal to 0.

Name: StatusIcon
byte Status
string SpriteName
byte ColorR
byte ColorG
byte ColorB


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Natural Selection • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message specifies the status text format.

Name: StatusText
byte Unknown
string Text


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Natural Selection • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message sends/updates the status values. For Flag, 1 is TeamRelation, 2 is PlayerID, and 3 is Health. For TeamRelation, 1 is Teammate player, 2 is Non-Teammate player, 3 is Hostage. If TeamRelation is Hostage, PlayerID will be 0 or will be not sent at all.
Usually this is fired as a triple message, for example:

{1,  2}  -  non-teammate player
{2, 17}  -  player index is 17
{3, 59}  -  player health is 59
Name: StatusValue
byte Flag
short Value


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message displays a secondary timer above the round timer. It is used for Condition Zero singleplayer missions.
If Time is -1, the timer dissappears. If Time is any other negative value, it is displayed as green instead of yellow, and considered positive.
If Active is true, timer counts down. Otherwise, it is paused.
If Fade is above zero, the timer will slowly fade out after that many seconds have passed (even if the timer is inactive).

Note: This event can only be used on missions that have an objective requiring a secondary timer!

Name: TaskTime
short Time
byte Active
byte Fade


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message sets the team information for the given player.

Note: In CS TeamName is either "UNASSIGNED", "TERRORIST", "CT" or "SPECTATOR".

Name: TeamInfo
byte PlayerID
string TeamName


Supported Mods: Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message updates the team score on the scoreboard.

Note: This message has different parameters depending upon the mod.
Note: In CS TeamName is either "TERRORIST" or "CT".

Name: TeamScore
string TeamName
short Score

Day of Defeat

Name: TeamScore
byte TeamID
short Score


Supported Mods: Natural Selection

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message prints a custom or predefined text message.
There does not necessarily have to be a total of 6 arguments; there could be as little as 2. For example, you can send a message with the following:

Arg1: 1
Arg2: #Game_join_ct
Arg3: Pimp Daddy
Name: TextMsg
byte DestinationType
string Message
string Submsg
string Submsg
string Submsg
string Submsg


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message displays the speed bar used for controlling a train.

Note: Speed is as follows: 0 (disable display), 1 (neutral), 2 (slow speed), 3 (medium speed), 4 (maximum speed), 5 (reverse)

Name: Train
byte Speed


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message closes all CZ-style tutor popups.

Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: TutorClose


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Note: No Information is available for this message.

Name: TutorLine
short Unknown1
short Unknown2


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Note: No Information is available for this message.

Name: TutorState
string Unknown


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

This message is used to display a CZ-style tutor popup.

Note: If NumberOfSubMsgs is higher than 0, there should be such amount of write_string after this byte.
Note: TutorMessageEventId is indexed as listed in czero/tutordata.txt and starts from 0
Note: IsDead is the message receiver alive status

DEFAULT		1	// 1<<0 | GREEN  | INFO
FRIENDDEATH	2	// 1<<1 | RED    | SKULL
BUY		16	// 1<<4 | GREEN  | INFO
CAREER		32	// 1<<5 | GREEN  | INFO
HINT		64	// 1<<6 | GREEN  | INFO
INGAMEHINT	128	// 1<<7 | GREEN  | INFO
ENDGAME		256	// 1<<8 | YELLOW | INFO
Name: TutorText
string String
byte NumberOfSubMsgs
string SubMessage
string ...
short TutorMessageEventId
short IsDead
short Type


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic

This message displays a predefined VGUI menu.

Name: VGUIMenu
byte MenuID
short KeysBitSum
char Time?
byte Multipart?
string Name?


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Team Fortress Classic

Note: No Information is available for this message (HLSDK says this switches to first-person view, but it doesn't seem to function as so).
Note: This message has no arguments.

Name: ViewMode


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message tells a client whom they can hear over the microphone.

Name: VoiceMask
long AudiblePlayersIndexBitSum
long ServerBannedPlayersIndexBitSum


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message configures the HUD weapons list.

Note: This is fired on map initialization.
Note: SlotID starts from 0.

Flags (from HLSDK):

ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE        16 // A player can totally exhaust their ammo supply and lose this weapon.

Note: See CS Weapons Information for more information.

Name: WeaponList
string WeaponName
byte PrimaryAmmoID
byte PrimaryAmmoMaxAmount
byte SecondaryAmmoID
byte SecondaryAmmoMaxAmount
byte SlotID
byte NumberInSlot
byte WeaponID
byte Flags


Supported Mods: Counter-Strike • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero • Day of Defeat • Deathmatch Classic • Half-Life: Opposing Force • Natural Selection • Ricochet • Sven Co-op • Team Fortress Classic • Half-Life Deathmatch

This message temporarily draws the corresponding weapon HUD icon in the middle of the right side of the screen.

Note: Draw time depends on the hud_drawhistory_time client CVar value.
Note: This is fired right before weapon is picked up (notice "before").
Note: See CS Weapons Information for more information.

Name: WeapPickup
byte WeaponID


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Sven Co-op

Note: No Information is available for this message.


Supported Mods: Day of Defeat

This message is sent to a player when they die.

Name: YouDied
byte Unknown