Open Source Plugins for Metamod:Source

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Revision as of 18:04, 4 June 2006 by Devicenull (talk | contribs) (Added global banlist)
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Open Source Plugins for SourceMM

This page lists known plugins with available source code. Please check the licenses for each one as they may not truly be "open source."

Basic Templates


Description: minmum implentation of a valid SourceMM plugin
Features: starting template
Download: Included in the SourceMM source code package:


Description: implements the features of the standard Valve server plugin from the SDK
Features: starting template with similar functionality to the Valve sample_plugin
Download: Included in the SourceMM source code package:


Author: BAILOPAN, edited by L. Duke
Description: fixes (by inheriting from IGameEventListener2 instead of hooking FireGameEvent) the problem in sample_mm plugin where some events are not received
Features: starting template with similar functionality to the Valve sample_plugin
Download: (you must be logged in to view the download link)

Functional Plugins

Basic Admin Tool (BAT)

Author: EKS
Description: Provides basic admin functions
Features: Kick, ban, menus, reserved slots, timeleft/nextmap say commands, etc.

CS:S Weapon Restrictions 2

Author: L. Duke
Description: Prevents players from picking up restricted weapons (if bought, they fall to the ground). Also includes an option to remove restricted weapons from the game.
Features: Hook CCSPlayer::Weapon_CanUse(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon) and returns false for restricted weapons. Also shows how to use virtual functions on weapons such as Delete()and GetName() and on players for Weapon_GetSlot(int) and Drop(CBaseCombatWeapon*).

Last Users Connected

Author: devicenull
Description: With this plugin, every player who comes onto your server has their steamid logged, along with any name they used on the server. You can then either view the names/steamid's of the last people to disconnect, or you can search for a name/steamid and see everyone who has used that name.
Features: shows how to embed sqlite3, send basic messages/basic hooks.


Description: You can add any type of entity - hostage, spawn point, physics prop, permanently to the map. You can also filter out entities for deletion, either by specific entries or regular expressions. Stripper:Source lets you define global rules and per-map rules. It also lets other plugins (both SourceMM plugins and Server Plugins) use its API.
Features: shows how to edit the map entity lump in memory to change map entities

Global Banlist

Author: devicenull
Description: This plugin allows srcds to reguarly connect to an external PHP page, and download updates about it's banlist. Srcds then stores these in a SQLite database.
Features: Embedding sqlite, using pthreads, using libcurl.
Download: [1]]


Author: devicenull
Description: This plugin is for the mod SourceForts. In keeps track of what player unfreezes or freezes a block, and allows any other player to retrieve this information by aiming at a block.
Features: Basic VFuncs, listening for events, partial traceline (The method used for traceline might not be effective for any other mod)
Download: [2]]