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= Generic Source Events =
These are all the games that the Source engine covers (that we could find).
* [[Generic Source Events]]
=== team_info ===
* [[Generic Source Server Events]]
{{qnotice|Info about team}}<br>
* [[Alien Swarm Events]]
* [[Black Mesa Events]]
* [[Codename Cure Events]]
=== team_score ===
{{qnotice|Team score changed}}<br>
=== player_team ===
{{qnotice|Player change his team}}<br>
=== player_class ===
{{qnotice|A player changed his class}}<br>
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|A game event, name may be 32 charaters long}}<br>
=== player_hurt ===
{{qnotice|A player was hurt}}<br>
=== player_chat ===
{{qnotice|A public player chat}}<br>
=== player_score ===
{{qnotice|Players scores changed}}<br>
=== player_spawn ===
{{qnotice|player spawned in game}}<br>
=== player_shoot ===
{{qnotice|Player shoot his weapon}}<br>
=== player_use ===
{{qnotice|When a player uses an option}}<br>
=== player_changename ===
{{qnotice|Player changed name}}<br>
=== game_newmap ===
{{qnotice|Send when new map is completely loaded}}<br>
=== game_start ===
{{qnotice|A new game starts}}<br>
=== game_end ===
{{qnotice|A game ended}}<br>
=== round_start ===
{{qnotice|The round started}}<br>
=== round_end ===
{{qnotice|The round ended}}<br>
=== game_message ===
{{qnotice|A game message}}<br>
=== break_breakable ===
{{qnotice|A breakable (func_break) is broken.}}<br>
=== break_prop ===
{{qnotice|A breakable prop is broken.}}<br>
= Generic Source Server Events =
=== server_spawn ===
{{qnotice|Send once a server starts}}<br>
=== server_shutdown ===
{{qnotice|Server shut down}}
=== server_cvar ===
{{qnotice|A server console var has changed}}
=== server_msg ===
{{qnotice|A generic server message}}
=== server_addban ===
{{qnotice|When the server has a ban added}}
=== server_removeban ===
{{qnotice|When the server has a ban removed}}
=== player_connect ===
{{qnotice|A new player connected}}
=== player_info ===
{{qnotice|A player changed his name}}
=== player_disconnect ===
{{qnotice|A client was disconnected}}
=== player_activate ===
{{qnotice|A client has entered the game (connected and loaded)}}
=== player_say ===
{{qnotice|When a client sends a message in chat}}
== Game Events ==
These are all the games that the Source engine covers.
* [[Counter-Strike: Source Events]]
* [[Counter-Strike: Source Events]]
* [[Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Events]]
* [[Day of Defeat: Source Events]]
* [[Day of Defeat: Source Events]]
* [[Dota 2 Events]]
* [[Dystopia Events]]
* [[Dystopia Events]]
* [[Empires Events]]
* [[Garry's Mod Events]]
* [[Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag Events]]
* [[Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Events]]
* [[Hidden: Source Events]]
* [[Insurgency: Source  Events]]
* [[Iron Grip: Source  Events]]
* [[Left 4 Dead Events]]
* [[Left 4 Dead 2 Events]]
* [[Neotokyo Events]]
* [[No More Room in Hell Events]]
* [[Nuclear Dawn Events]]
* [[Perfect Dark: Source Events]]
* [[Pirates, Vikings, Knights II Events]]
* [[Pirates, Vikings, Knights II Events]]
* [[SourceForts Events]]
* [[SourceForts Events]]
* [[Hidden: Source Events]]
* [[Team Fortress 2 Events]]
* [[Perfect Dark: Source]]
* [[Zombie Panic! Source Events]]
* [[Perfect Dark: Source]]
= Counter-Strike: Source Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When a client dies}}
=== player_hurt ===
{{qnotice|When a client is damaged}}
=== bomb_beginplant ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb is starting to get planted}}
=== bomb_abortplant ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb planter stops planting the bomb}}
=== bomb_plant ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb has been planted}}
=== bomb_defused ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb has been defused}}
=== bomb_exploded ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb explodes}}
=== bomb_dropped ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb is dropped by a client}}
=== bomb_pickup ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb is picked up by a client}}
=== bomb_begindefuse ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb is started to be defused}}
=== bomb_abortdefuse ===
{{qnotice|When the bomb defusal is stopped}}
=== hostage_follows ===
{{qnotice|When the hostage begins following a client}}
=== hostage_hurt ===
{{qnotice|When a hostage is damaged}}
=== hostage_killed ===
{{qnotice|When a hostage is killed}}
=== hostage_rescued ===
{{qnotice|When a hostage is rescued}}
=== hostage_stops_following ===
{{qnotice|When a hostage stops following a client}}
=== hostage_rescued_all ===
{{qnotice|When all the hostages are rescued}}
=== hostage_call_for_help ===
{{qnotice|When the hostage calls for help}}
=== vip_escaped ===
{{qnotice|When the VIP escapes}}
=== vip_killed ===
{{qnotice|When the VIP is killed}}
=== player_radio ===
{{qnotice|When the player uses radio commands}}
=== bomb_beep ===
{{qnotice|Every time the bomb beep sound happens}}
=== weapon_fire ===
{{qnotice|Every time a client fires their weapon}}
=== weapon_fire_on_empty ===
{{qnotice|Every time a client fires their weapon and it's empty}}
=== weapon_reload ===
{{qnotice|Every time a client reloads their weapon}}
=== weapon_zoom ===
{{qnotice|Every time a client zooms a scoped weapon}}
=== item_pickup ===
{{qnotice|Every time an item is picked up (generally weapons)}}
=== grenade_bounce ===
{{qnotice|Every time a grenade bounces}}
=== hegrenade_detonate ===
{{qnotice|Every time a hegrenade explodes}}
=== flashbang_detonate ===
{{qnotice|Every time a flashbang detonates}}
=== smokegrenade_detonate ===
{{qnotice|Every time a smokegrenade detonates}}
=== bullet_impact ===
{{qnotice|Every time a bullet hits something}}
=== player_footstep ===
{{qnotice|Every time a player takes a step}}
=== player_jump ===
{{qnotice|Every time a player jumps}}
=== player_blind ===
{{qnotice|Every time a player is blinded by a flashbang}}
=== player_falldamage ===
{{qnotice|Every time a player takes damage due to a fall}}
=== door_moving ===
{{qnotice|Every time a door is put in motion (opened)}}
=== round_freeze_end ===
{{qnotice|When the round's mp_freezetime is up}}
=== nav_blocked ===
{{qnotice|''Guess: Called when an area is blocked by the nav of a map''}}
=== nav_generate ===
{{qnotice|Called when a nav file does not exist for a map and bots are added}}
= Day of Defeat: Source Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When a player dies}}
=== player_hurt ===
{{qnotice|When a player is damaged}}
=== player_changeclass ===
{{qnotice|When a player changes to a different class}}
=== dod_round_start ===
{{qnotice|When the round starts}}
=== dod_round_active ===
{{qnotice|When the round becomes active after the "frozen" time}}
=== dod_hint ===
{{qnotice|When a hint occurs}}
=== dod_warmup_begins ===
{{qnotice|When warmup begins}}
=== dod_warmup_ends ===
{{qnotice|When warmup ends}}
=== dod_round_start ===
{{qnotice|When round starts}}
=== dod_restart_round ===
{{qnotice|When round restarts}}
=== dod_ready_restart ===
{{qnotice|When the ready players trigger restart}}
=== dod_allies_ready ===
{{qnotice|When allies are ready}}
=== dod_axis_ready ===
{{qnotice|When axis are ready}}
=== dod_round_restart_seconds ===
{{qnotice|When round restart is set}}
=== dod_team_scores ===
{{qnotice|When a team scores (wins)}}
=== dod_point_captured ===
{{qnotice|When a flag/point is captured}}
=== dod_capture_blocked ===
{{qnotice|When a capture is blocked}}
=== dod_round_win ===
{{qnotice|When a round is won}}
=== dod_tick_points ===
=== dod_game_over ===
{{qnotice|When the map ends}}
=== dod_broadcast_audio ===
{{qnotice|When audio is broadcasted}}
=== dod_stats_weapon_attack ===
{{qnotice|When a player attacks with a weapon}}
=== dod_stats_player_damage ===
{{qnotice|When a player damages another}}
=== dod_stats_player_killed ===
{{qnotice|When a player kills another}}
=== dod_win_panel ===
{{qnotice|When the scoreboard is shown after map end}}
=== dod_timer_time_added ===
{{qnotice|When time is added (in bombing maps)}}
=== dod_timer_flash ===
=== dod_map_time_remaining ===
{{qnotice|Time remaining on map}}
=== dod_tnt_pickup ===
{{qnotice|When TNT is picked up}}
=== dod_bomb_planted ===
{{qnotice|When TNT is placed on an objective}}
=== dod_bomb_exploded ===
{{qnotice|When TNT explodes}}
=== dod_bomb_defused ===
{{qnotice|When TNT is defused}}
=== dod_kill_planter ===
{{qnotice|When the planter of TNT is killed}}
=== dod_kill_defuser ===
{{qnotice|When the defuser of TNT is killed}}
= Dystopia Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|Player is killed in "real world"}}
=== cyber_frag ===
{{qnotice|Player is killed while "hacking"}}
=== player_class ===
{{qnotice|When a player selects class}}
=== objective ===
{{qnotice|When an objective is reached}}
=== round_restart ===
{{qnotice|When round restarts}}
=== dys_changemap ===
{{qnotice|When map changes}}
=== dys_points ===
{{qnotice|When points are changed}}
=== dys_weapon_stats ===
{{qnotice|When stats are logged for weapons}}
=== dys_implant_stats ===
{{qnotice|When stats are logged for implants}}
=== dys_scoring_stats ===
{{qnotice|When stats are stored for scores}}
= Pirates, Vikings, Knights II Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When player dies}}
=== round_end ===
{{qnotice|When round ends}}
= SourceForts Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When a player dies}}
=== block_frozen ===
{{qnotice|When a building block becomes frozen}}
=== block_unfrozen ===
{{qnotice|When a building block becomes unfrozen}}
=== phase_switch ===
{{qnotice|When the phase switches from build to play}}
=== player_grab ===
{{qnotice|When a player grabs the flag}}
=== player_drop ===
{{qnotice|When a player drops the flag}}
=== player_score ===
{{qnotice|When a player captures a flag}}
=== flag_return ===
{{qnotice|When flag is returned to original base}}
= Hidden: Source Events =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When a player dies}}
=== player_hurt ===
{{qnotice|When a player is hurt}}
=== alarm_trigger ===
{{qnotice|When an alarm is triggered}}
=== material_check ===
{{qnotice|When the player's materials are checked}}
=== extraction_start ===
{{qnotice|When the extraction starts}}
=== extraction_stop ===
{{qnotice|When the extraction stops}}
=== player_location ===
{{qnotice|When the player location changes}}
=== iris_radio ===
{{qnotice|When iris_radio is used}}
=== game_round_restart ===
{{qnotice|When the round restarts}}
=== game_round_end ===
{{qnotice|When the round ends}}
=== game_round_start ===
{{qnotice|When the round starts}}
= Perfect Dark: Source =
=== player_death ===
{{qnotice|When a player dies}}
=== koth_hill_activated ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is activated}}
=== koth_hill_deactivated ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is deactivated}}
=== koth_hill_taken ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is taken}}
=== koth_hill_close_to_capture ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is near capture}}
=== koth_hill_captured ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is captured}}
=== koth_hill_lost ===
{{qnotice|When koth_hill is lost}}
=== popacap_close_to_point ===
=== ctb_spawn_activated ===
=== ctb_spawn_deactivated ===
=== weapon_set ===
{{qnotice|When a player's weapon is set}}
= Iron Grip Events =
== Credits ==
*[[User:Shane|Shane]] - Writing some of the events pages and organization and general wikiknowhow
*[[User:FlyingMongoose|FlyingMongoose]] - Writing a lot of the events pages
*[[User:sslice|sslice]] - For creating a wikitizer application for these events
*[[User:RedSword|RedSword]] - For creating a wikitizer [https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2268802#post2268802 application] for these events
*[[User:404UNF|404UNF]] - Updating events
=== player_death ===
[[Category:Metamod:Source Development]]
[[Category:SourceMod Development]]
[[Category:SourceMod Scripting]]

Latest revision as of 17:23, 2 December 2019